Posting and you...

i love it!

Haha… that deserves a sticky.

Short, sweet and to the point… and not without a good jab or two. My sentiments exactly; little ty^H^Hbilly should watch this every time he logs on to the forums!

I posted this during the war a ways back…

I deserve credit! :wink:

Glad it got stickied.

But its been posted before! :astonished:

And yet it appears that you’ve still haven’t seen it. :smiley:

Or it would seem that i dont listen.


Use the search Gilby… geez.

haha, i like the voice of satan part when it tells you to post in an existing thread haha

LOL, classic. :sunglasses:

dude you need to somehow make it that before you signup for this site you have to watch that, like how when you sign up for tother things you must agree to all that crap that no one ever reads, like that only to watching this
