Posting and You: the best newb guide to posting.

There are pretty much always people complaining that other people suck at posting, they should be searching, their replies are useless and the like, so to solve that all this helpful amusing flash animation was invented.

Just replace the word steam with unicyclist whenever they say it :p.

It’s been posted before, but that’s okay, because this is ALWAYS relevant.

Even better, the fora should include a CAPTCHA with the user login procedure, as such:

'Nuff said.

This isn’t even about spelling. It’s about the signal-to-noise ratio (to quote GILD) on the forums. While there are new people that have an excuse (though a minor one), the older members have no excuse for posting absolutely worthless threads. Like a certain thread on the first page that consists of maybe ten words. Some random game (with no link or information on it, of course), and an almost-pointless question. Threads like that don’t need to exist. Yes, I’m talking to you, skianduniaddict.

Then again, looking at a repeat thread or two* isn’t gonna kill anybody.

*Or ten, or twenty…

I’m actually ok with the repeat threads. If new people don’t know about the search feature, point them to it, and then move on. It’s the people that post the completely inane threads that get to me.

I don’t care, I just like getting chances to post that link.


Oh I really must object to the yourallgay site because it causes all gay people to feel bad.

I think I’ll start using the term “nina” to mean people are stupid. Just because there’s a woman named Nina that I really don’t care for at all.

So go to hell, dudewithasock. You are so flipping nina.