Post your good deed of the day!

i hate it when i see a little kid drop their ice cream. i saw one today/// had to get him another one:p
its just heart wrenching that is

Well on my lunch break, i went game shopping and the shops were crowded. I saw this little kid crying so i tried looking for his parents and i saw a mum looking around like crazy bursting in tears so i lead the kid to the woman and it turned out to be his mum and she couldn’t stop thanking me for finding her son.

It was last week but I think I got a homeless guy a job

I held a couple doors open and made people smile with my huge afro.

I made people smile with my amazing cape, smiley face boxers, and impressively semi-transparent tights.

when your as good looking as me everyone thanks me for going out in public and dispaling my amazing body.:stuck_out_tongue:

I heard a rumour later, that she was not at all amused when her onions flew out of the bag as you hopped up the stairs. She spent 20 minutes chasing them down the subway. :wink:


:thinking: o…k :thinking:

how many of them thank you for your amazing spelling? :slight_smile:

How would they know in the 1st place??

maybe he has a tattoo or something? :smiley:

Or on a T-Shirt that’s written on both sides. :smiley:

You mean.

“Acts of Random Kindness” = ARK

I just watched Evan Almighty the other day.

That movie kinda inspired me.:smiley: I liked the one when he says that if you pray for something, God gives you a chance to prove you have that. All I do is give credits to karma for that.

Yea I was thinking the same thing Triball! Heaps of people said that they didn’t like that movie but I found it quite inspiring. It was actually quite metaphorical and deep if you think about it a bit (like the flood wasn’t so much an actual life-threatening flood, but a chance to answer their prayers)

My good deed for the (other) day was when I came out of a shop and was walking along the footpath and this lady was backing out of a carpark in her little 3-series BMW. But the front bumper was stuck on the wooden block thing that stops your tires, so she was just slowly pulling the bumper off. So I jumped up and waved out for her to stop and told her what was happening and then we pushed the bumper back on and she was on her way. She was very thankful and it gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.