I am not the best member of this forum and know this. I do swear a lot in my post and make multiple accounts for no reason… Sorry everybody for being a bit of an arsehole especially gilby. There is probably a bunch more, but anyways this thread is to post your good deed of the day. There is no contest or anything thing like that involved. Just simply come in and tell what you did good!
On my way home from school I saw my older neighbor struggling with a ladder so I offered some help. At first he said he didn’t need it, but then changed his mind after a minute or so. As I climbed over the fence he told me that he was locked out of his house and that the ladder was to climb in. This of course screamed bad idea! Despite that we assembled the whole ladder and set it up, all ready to go. At this point I really saw this was not going to work so I phoned 911. The call went fine, but just as the cop and lock smith arrived he opened his door. It turns out it had just been stuck a little bit.:o He thanked me in the end which felt nice. Helping this 70+ man did make me feel good. In the end everything worked out just fine!
Not exactly yes or no. I do offer my apologies though and that is all I can say. I am a fouled mouthed, arsewipe, rude, mean person a lot of the time, but I can be nice every now and then. I made a search and surprised nobody made a thread like this before so I figured it could be a place to post up little things you do to help people and things like that.
We had a power-failure in our area today and all the traffic-lights went down and traffic was a snarl-up from hell.
I let some people merge in front of me while in this snarl.
Did I ask for praise because I don’t remember doing so. I just though it would be a cool thread since I try to do one good deed a day so I figured some others might as well, if you don’t like the idea okay.
Originally Posted by Brian O.
So are you saying you were the “Lucifer, your saviour” account who was being a jerk to everyone?
Not exactly yes or no. I do offer my apologies…QUOTE]
Haha I was wondering why Lucifer was actually helpful to me in my colorado thread. I just figured, “You know that Lucifer guy is not that bad”. O well.
Anyways more to the point of this thread. I was walking out of taco bell earlier with my friend, and some chicks were walking in at the same time. So I just walked out in front of them and gave them one of those, “psssh, you wish looks” and just totally didn’t hold the door open for them. So my friend catches it for them and he smiles, they smile and everyones happy.
Point being, I made my friend look like a nice guy:)
Dave, that’s awesome. One of those people might have been so upset because they were late for something. Your thoughtfulness may have been just what they needed to make the situation bearable. A simple act of kindness done at just the right moment can brighten someone’s mood immensely!
I did a similar thing today, but it was just in normal rush-hour traffic. I opened up a gap so someone could merge onto the highway. This isn’t a copy-cat good deed – I just can’t think of anything else that I did today.
It’s fun to be nice, but I hope to perform a bigger good deed soon. One that requires some time or effort on my part – some level of non-trivial sacrifice (like helping the guy who was locked out of his house). I’ll be on the lookout for a good-deed-opportunity. Maybe the stories here can inspire me.
today at skool i convinced this one girl she wasnt fat cus some kid told her she was, i dont know why she thinks shes fat either cus shes not and shes like really hot to lol
what an inspiring thread!
So today I promise not to poke fun at lion’s food !
It’s not because those wretched droïds are an easy prey for us techies
the we should flak them everyday!
So I promise: no polite mail to middle management with funny understatements.
but only today right?
I’ve always loved the phrase ‘Random Acts of Kindness’.
EDIT: (Apparently there’s a foundation now, probably with a tax number…)
As for the traffic thing, giving people gaps in traffic is a great cure for a bad day. It’s very difficult to stay in a bad mood when people are smiling at you.
I’ve recently started particularly enjoying creating gaps in traffic for large trucks to change lanes. I travel one particular stretch of highway where trucks need to move out of the slow lane to take the correct split in the highway.
South African drivers are not known as the most courteous so they do battle a fair bit to get a chance to change lanes.
I actually have a rule that I let one car through per journey per day, be it stuck at lights, or at a busy junction and hopefully then this will balance out and when i’m stuck and someone nice will let me through.