Anagram: You use each letter, in a new order, to speel something else:
Spiro Agnew is an anagram for “grow a penis.”
[Spiro Agnew was Nixon’s vice president]
Your turn.
Anagram: You use each letter, in a new order, to speel something else:
Spiro Agnew is an anagram for “grow a penis.”
[Spiro Agnew was Nixon’s vice president]
Your turn.
Parliment is an anagram for “partial men”
Mother in Law is an anagram for “Women Hitler”
The below are all anagrams for “no bet, no date, no takers, no surprise”:
treasonous kittens and porno beer
eke on protuberant dissonant rose
obstreperous stentorian dank one
Bet or no, instantaneous seder pork?
Bet or no, onerous asterisk pendant?
Do rant about serpentine snookers.
Sob, our knee needs transporation.
Rasp ostentatious one born red ken.
Ski not sad, boon oats entrepreneur.
Ono knits subterranean torpedoes.
Ban sunken restoration torpedoes.
“walker texas ranger” can be “wrangler karate sex” I don’t know what that is, but it sounds awesome!
stupid chucknorrisridesunicycle has currupted my mind
and Here
With the help of
Unicycle - UNCLE ICY
Unicyclist -US LIT CYNIC
Adjuster (my occupation) - JUST DARE
Clint Eastwood -> Old west action
Evangelist -> Evil agents
and my favorite:
Tom Rosenberg
Did I miss something with Borges’ favorite?
The Earthquakes = That Queer Shake
Eleven plus two = Twelve Plus One
Princess Diana = End Is A Car Spin
Slot Machines = Cash Lost In 'Em
A Decimal Point = I’m A Dot In Place
Tom Marvolo Riddle = I am Lord Voldemort
Tom John McMahon = John McTom Mahon
i think he wins
Anagrams for the word Duct Tape:
funeral = real fun…not for the dead guy I presume.
Omaha Nebraska = Aaron bakes ham
California = “African oil” “facial iron” “Africa lion”
Washington = “hating snow”
Montgomery, Alabama = betrayal among ammo
Colorado - coal odor
Kansas City: Satanic sky
Salt Lake City: Tackily stale
Boston, MA: Nob atoms
New York City: Yo, tiny wreck
New Orleans: Loner wanes
Detroit: Diet rot
Indianapolis: A sin pain idol
Dallas Texas: Sex lad atlas
Las Vegas: Gas slave
Los Angeles: Legal noses
San Jose, Costa Rica: As actors join case
Shreveport, LA : Vapor Shelter
Brussels, Belgium: Bless glum bruise
Paris, France: A finer scrap
Bangkok, Thailand: Had a talking knob
Taipei, Taiwan: I await ant pie
Madrid, Spain: Is damp drain
Manchester: Tense charm
Australia - Ultra Asia
Belgium: Big mule
Great Britian: Arbitrate gin
Kingdom of Denmark: God, freak mind monk
Republic of Germany: Becoming prayerful
Tony Blair PM = I’m tory plan B
For overseas readers: tory = conservative = right wing. Tony Blair is leader of the labour party which was nominally socialist and left wing until Tony Blair became party leader. He ousted an unpopular tory government. His detractors (e.g. the entire British nation, the entire arab world, all right thinking people) allege that he has hijacked many tory policies and attitudes.
The Fawlty Towers discussion in the Who’s Line thread reminded me that at the beginning of each episode, the sign was modified by missing letters, partial anagrams and one full anagram (Links to signs for Episode 1 and Episode 2).
The funniest has to be the one full anagram that somehow got past the BBC censors. Apologies in advance for anyone offended by this but I saw it on TV.
Fawlty Towers - Flowery Twats
The BBC is easier to get things like that past than the USA TV censors, I think.
don’t go away
now gay toad