Post your Candles here

Any other unicyclists out there who make candles? In the past 2 years, I have made quite a few, and I find that it is a way to express my creativity. Then you can burn it!

I will post some of mine. Some don’t have wicks, so they are just wax sculptures. :slight_smile: The ones in the first picture I finished today. The “deodorant” is actually wax and it does go up and down. It provides maximum coverage, guaranteed 24hr protection. :stuck_out_tongue:

The second one I didn’t try to make. It happened.

Oh, and while you’re here, check this out.

Some of the other candles I have made. One was made in an old light bulb, another in a bag. The big one was made in a wooden mold.

I LOVE candles! I haven’t ever made one tho. I like the good smelling ones. Right now I’m rockin a Hemmingway scented candle from Hobby Lobby… Do you sell your candles?

I don’t sell them…they aren’t that good. They normally don’t smell all that good. I’m going to try to make one really nice and give it to somebody.

You should try making a candle. It’s fun to learn. Here’s something from an email I sent to a girl wondering about candle making:

The wax I use is from candles. Mostly I use spent candles, but sometimes I will melt down a candle before its life is over. As for the wicks: I use cotton string that I bought at Wal-Mart. Wick is too expensive for what I do.

I used to melt wax on the kitchen stove, but now I do it in the garage on a Coleman stove. That way I don’t have to worry about messing up the kitchen. I mostly use an old pot. To do it the right way, you’re supposed to use some kind of double boiler. That is supposed to prevent the wax inside of the pot from catching on fire. But if you keep the flame low, you should not have any problems. JUST DON’T WALK AWAY FROM THE STOVE WHILST THE WAX IS MELTING!

Then I pour the wax into whatever mold I want to use. I don’t have any professional molds, so I usually use a mold that I can peel apart. I’ve used toilet paper tubes and other cardboard containers. Some plastic molds work, but they are harder to remove from the candle. After the poured wax hardens in the mold, it will contract. That means that you will have to fill up again after a while.

If I may “wax” poetic, you certainly have a handle on making a candle, now make one of a sandal…it’s sure to cause a scandal! :slight_smile: Nice work!

:slight_smile: I’ll have to think about that one. Got any advice?

Haha no, I couldn’t think of anything else that rhymed with candle. :stuck_out_tongue: Besides, a wax sandal probably wouldn’t hold up very well, but then again, you could just make a pair for show. These are pretty neat looking:

And if I had your talent I might make something like this!

if you have a farmer market or something you can always sell them there…they dont have to be perfect…sometimes just being handmade is good enough.:smiley:

Looking at those makes me feel weird…

I’m not really that talented…It’s just like when people tell me I’m good on my uni.

Maybe if I could find a way to make candles without getting black specs in them…