Post your best trick you can do on a unicycle

post your best trick you can do on a unicycle

Say please.

Out-fifth-sideflip most likely.

Triflip, 360 unispin off a 5 set into level 11.

540 hurdygurdy.

  • Side-Jump Mount on 6’ giraffe

  • Backwards 1-Foot Spin

  • Bunch of other stuff few people on these forums cares about :slight_smile:

the largest repertoire of UPDs.

Unicycling with my dog is a close second to that.

This thread belongs in Rec.Sport.Unicycling.

I agree!

But incredibly this response belongs in JC. WOW!

And so does this one.

Think about it. If he had put this thread in RSU, your comments would have been in absolutely the wrong place. He saved you both from incredible embarrassment.

Good ones!

My best is steep hills and rolling drops.
no-footers are awesome too

Not really tricks, but landing an 8 set, and some pretty wide, deep gaps. And 360 unispins are oh, so close!

No-foot-drop-to-balls… done once, will never do it again

I can post a Unicycle Related Thread in RSU while on a unicycle. I hear that is a near impossible trick for some. I can’t post a Unicycle Related Thread in JC, that is just too hard.

i kan ryde my unicyl al by myslef


Since this thread is posted in the only place I read, I will respond. My best trick is mounting. And basic riding. At one time, I could ride my Coker and MUni down four steps (edit: not at the same time). But lately, my “skills” are regressing because I hardly ride any more. Pretty soon I won’t even be able to ride. By the way, since this is Just Conversation, it’s okay for me to say that my unicycle is an atheist. And naked.


Quote your sources.

Play Amazing Grace on the bagpipes while idling.

I definitely think people should be putting up videos of their best trick along with the name of it. Much more fun that way, plus people will learn new tricks from it.

Also, why have lots of unicycle related threads, i.e. this one, been put in the Just Conversation section of the forum?

Those are already pretty bad ass!

I’m sure you would be surprised at who would be impressed by them. Although they would probably try and rename them to things like the foss spin and such.

yer unicyclejuggler was right. Post the name of what trick you are doing then have video next to it


360 unispin

That is not a real video it was just an Eg :slight_smile:

Thanx for posting