Post Your 36er Here

I don’t always ride to office on my unicycle…

I don’t always ride to office on my unicycle…

That’s a lot of mud!

Sullivan Cyn


Got a 36er wheel in the mail today! This completes the parts I’ve been collecting for quite some time now.

I seem to have taken to this thing like a fish to water. I only rode for about an hour (ran out of energy and light) but I was able to freemount the thing right off. I still haven’t missed a freemount (I even did a couple with the cranks in weird positions) and I haven’t fallen off. I already want a brake, shorter cranks and a handle but that will probably have to wait a while. According to my calculations I averaged ~14 mph over 7 miles. Idling is kind of hard but who cares. I had at least one person videoing me. (I’m pretty sure my Dad will hear about that one, I was right outside his work building.) I also had two different people say “Nice Wheel” rather then the standard WYOW.

I finally got everything exactly how I wanted it…

so I took it all apart to throw in a bag. No oversized luggage for me :slight_smile:

!! Eric!! What rim is that?!

It’s a modified coker rim.

Saskatchewanian, you are truly an amazing individual. I’ve seen you post about that collapsible wheel before, it would be great if you could do a step-by-step on exactly how its done.

<a href=“I wrote up a long response then decided it fit better in the “Post your projects” thread.”>
But yah as Shmolagin said it is a modified Coker rim. Beyond what I said in the other thread I had also previously drilled the outer skin for weight savings keeping the inner wall intact.


That is an amazing wheel. How long does it take to rebuild it from scratch? It is a very interesting alternative to traveling with a 36" wheel.


You are taking two seats? I can understand two tubes… What was your thinking about the seats?
Have a good time.

That is so awesome!

After months of reading through this forum, I finally better understand what all the hoopla is about with the 36 inch unicycle. One arrived for me yesterday and, after sitting on it and slowly rocking for quite a while last night, I took it out for a test ride this afternoon. It certainly is a different experience!

I need to get a picture together. But until then, thanks for all the words of guidance and encouragement given on this forum. I wouldn’t be to this point without it!

Cool! Welcome to the world of 36-inch unicycling!

I don’t have one of these, but UDC just came out with them. Thoughts?

Seat adjustable? Looks like the handle tube support bolts to the seat in front and the tube welds to frame. It must be adjustable but from that angle it doesn’t even look like there is a seat tube.

Looks like the fork legs might be adjustable?

Yes they are. The idea is so that shorter people can ride it without cutting down the frame.

From the website:
“The legs of the frame telescope instead of using a traditional seat post.”

Possible negative: no brake option. You could probably use the “d-brake” bearing cap mount for a disc brake, but there’s no mention in the description. To me, a brake is real useful on a 36r.

I guess it makes the large wheel more accessible to the shorter rider, but I’m not sure how much of an issue that’s been in the past. Personally, I would rather see some development effort put into a 32" wheel uni. But that’s just me.