Post Story Thread!

Heres the game, you post 1 sentence, then the next person posts another sentence, leading a story sentence by sentence, by many different people.

Heres an example:
1.Today i went out for a walk.
2.I met a gang of bicyclists while on the walk
3.The bicyclists drove me over.

Okay, soemthing like that, just creating a big long story, post by post.

I’ll start it out.

Today I woke up angry.

Sometimes I wake up grouchy, othertimes I let her sleep in.

Sometimes I let her sleep in, but other times I make her sleep outside!:stuck_out_tongue:

but i lost the key in the sofa so she had to stay inside!

Sometimes people post old thread ideas again with slight yet noticeable variations and think they are new.

but today was different, my couch exploded.

i wasn’t very happy, I didn’t think putting it in a giant microwave would do anything :frowning: it did :frowning:

thats when i decided to go to the store.

on my unicycle

I bought a giant blue cat!

He had 4 tails, which I found odd.

he was blue, that was odd too!

But than he ate a car

How 'bout dem Cubs!

thing was, it was a police car.
and it had a police in it.

who were eating doughnuts!
the cat loves doughnuts!

Until Harper buried them in a posthole.

(Just how far back was the last successful story thread? EDIT: Found it! The answer is two years ago.)

And out of nowhere, every died. EVERYTHING. Infact, existence stopped existing…Forever…With no hope of return…Ever.


(Ignore that post, continue on with your story =P)

but oh what a posthole, there were banana kittens in it.

they actually tasted like bananas! So were chased away by rogue monkeys.

i dont like rouge monkeys, their too… ‘Rouge’

Not with enough hot sauce. Then they’re rather delicious.