Post questions about your Android phone here

having a song recorded properly by an android phone would be as likely as uni57 coming up with valid excuse not to ride the unithon :smiley:

Hey!! That microphone is great! It’s just as good as the camera, which since its 8 megapixels, that means its badass. And the video is hd, which means it has to be good too…

I’ve had one recurring excuse which thankfully did not apply this year (I’ve mentioned it to you on FB). And now this. I can’t give you a doctor’s note because I don’t go to doctors. I will not let them indoctrinate me.

I have a piece of lego that has one lego wheel on it. That means it’s as good as a KH29 because that also has one wheel.

we prefer to use the term ‘cure’

They seldom cure. But this is a thread about androids. Or droids, since you incorrectly like Star Wars better than Star Trek.

You can do the same to find music apps, but then follow this up with a similar search for reviews. While reviews are shown in the App Market, the reviewers are, shall we say, not professional reviewers. Hard to get an accurate picture of what’s really happening, but if nobody gives it lots of stars that’ll tell you enough.

That was my original thought. I’m the administrator for several dozen Android phones, and we recently got 8 of the 4G Samsung Epics (Sprint) for managers so they can do 2-way video “Deaf” calls. But I don’t know anything about music apps.

Billy didn’t say what phone he got. How do you know it’s 8 megapixels? Otherwise, I have to agree with your sarcasm. The high-megapixel-count cameras in the Samsung Epic take crappy pictures with a lot more pixels. :slight_smile:

It’s only a Droid if he has Verizon and gets one of the specific Droid models. Only those phones have to pay a share of the huge royalty/licensing fees to Lucasfilm for the use of that word. :slight_smile:

Cell phones take down US economy.

Workers marginalized to produce Billy’s toys.

Billy, where are you? This is your thread speaking to you. You haven’t replied in your own thread. Don’t you want to thank Greg and me for all the technical help we are providing you? That’s okay… you’re welcome! :astonished:

thanks everyone who gave me wonderful suggestions, and the rest of you for the laughs:D


Please work on your Smilie Literacy. You inadvertently cause :thinking: As always, I’m :sunglasses:


The only PRETTY GOOD thing you can do with that phone would be to make a call to get the answers your looking for :astonished:

it’s the Atrix 4G

Billy, I used your favorite one, the “EEK!”, just for you. I thought you would like it.

Come on, people. Stop fooling around. Let’s help Billy. For once he’s being serious. I think we should help him out.


they sold this Androïd phone to me and I thought that since it has “java inside” it was great…
I am not fond of it! :frowning:

  • can’t connect to many things because my connection name has some IS08859-15 characters on it and that the keyboard can’t handle them ! (though it is enabled for french -but apparently they are not aware of the complete french alphabet :angry: -)

  • the “contact” list is sorted on first name basis and no way to have it sorted by name! (stupid! :angry: )

  • it took me 3 weeks to understand how to enable androïd market. (gmail account needed! crazy! :angry: ) -and even some google apps. are so bugged that I had to throw them away, I will show a picture of “tracks” on this forum to illustrate-

  • GUI sometimes counter-intuitive! But I am an old guy probably not educated to handle touchy screens.

(OOPs, since my job is sponsored by Google I may shut up and try to be more positive! So waiting for a better version …;))

mad GPS measures

from “my tracks” application on Androïd!

in 1h34 I rode 889 kms! and climbed up to 8051 meters!

(I suspect that the application does not deal with imprecise measures :astonished: )

I now have a Virgin Mobile “Droid”. I think anything that is not Apple is a Droid.

What’s the coolest app on your phone?

I’ve got a great music streaming app. Does anyone have to buy music anymore? It just downloads songs for you, by the bunch.

Only Motorola Droids are Droids. Lucasfilm’s lawyers would have something to say about any other phone calling itself a Droid. Funny, since it can be called Android without any issues. :slight_smile: Also, most Android phones are cheaper than Droids, since Droids are more toward the high end.

Last year my company switched to Verizon (which I highly recommend, at least for business accounts). Now our Manager phones are mostly the Droid 4, which has a slide-out keyboard. Our Deaf employees mostly prefer a physical keyboard. We also now have a handful of iPhones, which is what I now use. No physical keyboard, but since I can use the dictation feature, usually I can speak the text I want to type.

Coolest app? Of the ones we use at STEP, probably the coolest is Tango. It’s free, and it allows you to do 2-way video calls. This is extremely handy for our Deaf folks, which use it a LOT. But also fun to see the faraway grandkids, etc. Both parties have to have Tango installed to use it but hey, it’s free!

The other major one we use is WhatsApp. Verizon’s pitch to us involved not having texting; that’s how they were able to keep their price close to Sprint’s. Since it’s a business phone, every phone gets WhatsApp on it, which sends text messages through the data signal, without incurring SMS charges. Only downside is you have to get people who don’t work for STEP to install it.

Verizon costs a little bit more than Sprint did, but they are so much easier to work with; activating a new phone, for example, doesn’t involve a 30-45 minute phone call every time. Also their 4G service is waaaay faster than the 3G we had with Sprint.