Post if you can crankflip

simple as that me an amanda was just wonderin how many people can crankflip

Thanks Lucas n Amanda

you should do a voting poll

I’m learning, but no.

could you do one for me i dont know how

cheers Lucas


what is it with these damn crankflips already… one must learn 360 unispins instead of crankflips

i like the look of crankflips…they seem to flow better for peopel who are relatively new to the street game. i kno that some people(you included) can make 360’s look real good when they flow but i would really rather learn the crankflip right now.

Pfft, 360 unispins are way easier than crankflips… and they look cooler to boot.

I think one must learn BOTH. and then, learn to do them at the same time!!!

I can but I think crankflips are wayyyyyy over rated right now, there are like 5 new crankflip threads per day.

yeah… so many crankflip threads. they are way overrated. the threads and the trick. once you can do 360unispins rolling, then maybe try backcrankflips just to be different.

i agree, i chose 360 unispins instead of any other trick cuz i do sutffffffff that looks cool.

Can anyone do an “E.T. Flip”? By that I mean a 360fastforward into a late crankflip…

Crankflip threads are great. It’s good to see more and more people doing them, and learning them. Then crankflips will become standard. This is really good because street will advance past this. In skateboarding no one is excited for a kickflip since it’s been done in everyway imaginable, crankflips might be like this in two years or so. Street will advance to the point where crankflips are the first things people practice, until then, I love everyone trying them, the more that know them the better, and, I say, you can still be super stoked to hit one. Not an easy trick. Laters

-Shaun Johanneson

I was wondering if Shaun could crankflip… I guess he can…?

yeah, MAYBE

kevin mcmullin and i just learned crankflips.

shaun sucks at crank flippin’

i can crankflip and 360 unispin. i think the crankflips are much easier though. im working on backcrankflips (ive stuck them) and unispin crankflips (hickflip?).

If you just spend about 1 to 2 hours one day working on crankflips you can usually land your first one. it just takes time to figure out the timing.

Im gonna work on them soon =p

Oh, what does everyone use when they do them, pedal-wise that is. Ive heard ppl say its a lot easier with plastic pedals, or some ppl have one of each pedal, so one plastic on one side.