Post-Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Uni Club needs equipment donations

Dear Unicyclists,

Prior to Hurricane Katrina, the New Orleans Unicycle Club was a small (16 or so members), but thriving organization noted for its highly aerobic and exciting weekly unicycle polo games.

Since Hurricane Katrina devastated our city, most of our members have re-located due to loss of homes and/or jobs. Although we have four avid riders left, we are only able to get enough players for a game about once a month. This is about to get worse as we’re likely to lose yet another over the next few months (due to job-relocation). Recruitment is clearly important for our club to survive.

The stress-relief (great exercise combined with pure fun!) and important community support provided by our club’s weekly sessions mean more than ever to our remaining riders as they cope with post-Katrina New Orleans.

As our weekly games attract an enthusiastic audience of kids and adults, we have a source of potential recruits. I’m writing on the chance that unicyclists out there might have extra unicycles in good working order (especially small ones…16" or 20" wheels) and/or extra helmets, wrist guards, etc. that they’d be willing to donate to our club. We’d use them as loaner equipment in our efforts to develop new members.

If you have such equipment that you’d be willing to send us, we’d be most grateful to put it to good use!

Thanks so much,

Tracey (club coordinator)

P.S. In the meantime, if you make it to New Orleans, let us know and we’ll teach you “the ropes” of uni polo!