Hey we are currently at 199,860 posts and who ever is poster number 200,000 will win a prize(proof of post nessescary).
They will win Either:
A Bag og assorted candy
A fresh Ice cold bottle of their favorite drink
C) Mad props from me because unless we physically meet you can’t get the other two because I won’t pay for the shipping.
yaaaay manic_mark!! If I was here during that time, I would have gotten it. I got all the other important posts, like number 1000, and 1048 (on the MR thread)
Well, in the first Most Replys thread, the last post posted before Gilby locked it was 1047. So 1047 was the official record. in Most Replys 2: Return of the Replies, post #1048 was the one to break the record, and I got it. (-: I think I’d like post # 100,000 or 200,000 better, though…