Untrue. Especially with Aids in Africa.
Untrue. Especially with Aids in Africa.
Many of which would have been easily preventable if they had used condoms.
Many of whom would have used condoms if they’d been taught about them and how to use them.
Abstinence only works until it doesn’t.
i know people won’t stop having sex before marriage, they just like it too much.
there was a study somewhere that tracked the amount of stds and sex ed in school and found that the more kids were taught about sex and birth control, the more std’s and pregnancy there were. i’m not saying sex ed is bad, i just find it wierd how that works.
I love being an idealistic statistic. =p
Wearing condoms is like taking a shower with a raincoat on.
That is why you should only have sex with virgins.
Girls this applies to you too.
I’d be curious to actually see the study since the studies I’ve seen have shown the exact opposite. I guess it’s just a matter of which results you are looking for.
the studies are rigged either way, the schools that had been taught about std’s and sex/abstinence probably had a bigger problem to begin with.
the Catholic Church has always been against using birth control of any kind… i do not see what the big deal is. so the pope is telling people about the Church’s teachings… what else is new?
the thing is that if people follow his advice, there will be a whole lot more trouble with AIDS and other stds.
He’s preaching his stuff, which is cool, but he’s not thinking about the negative effects that it might have.
how would abstinence worsen the aids epidemic?
No one here has made that claim…
What people have said is that abstinence would help if it were anywhere remotely realistic. But alas, it’s not.
it seems good to me. it really isn’t all that hard. people are just always in for the quick good time.
Oooh, you shouldn’t make such a big deal out of that!
He said "Don’t use condoms as “balloons” (this means you shouldn’t blow air in it)! They were not made for that! It’s for using in your genitals while having sex! Enjoy!".
The Pope is such a funny guy! Always making jokes.
Lol, I am too, I’ve never had sex. But there are so few people our age that are the same.
I think the pope is just jealous because he can’t get laid.
The big deal is he is refusing to pull his head out of ‘a dark place’ and realize its not 1909, its 2009. There is a difference between telling people about the churches teachings, then taking your beliefs and applying them to everybody despite the negative affects. I bet a lot of Catholics are against what he said, at least some.
If there is a god he is probably a cool cat, nice dude. I imagine he thinks of it like this Protected sex> Aids epidemic/ dead babies and parents.
If he doesn’t why bow down and worship him?
No one said that, but you made the claim that if everyone waited unitl marriage there would be no STDs but that is untrue.
There are other methods that transmit the HI Virus. I guess your sex Ed was abstinence only so you didn’t learn these things.
You clearly know nothing about sex or inter-gender relations. Your abstinence only education has taught done it’s job.
Abstinence only works until it doesn’t, whereas condoms work 98% of the time.
Most teenage mothers say they would have used condoms or other methods of birth control had they known how.
my sex ed class taught us all about condoms. heck we even put condoms on bananas. i choose to not have sex cause that is my belief.
condoms may work 98% of the time but abstinence works 100% of the time.
it’s not abstinence if you have sex. lol
It was a sad day when I figured out that many of my peers do not know what Plan B is…
It’s sad when people do not know how to use proper birth control. People WILL have sex either way, simply because that is how our natural instinct has developed over the ages. At least use birth control.
Man, I hate it when religion ends up doing things like this! It’s absolutely outrageous that people even think this way, and even think about taking these ideas seriously, with no question. It literally sickens me.
I bet you’re right Jackie
The choice to remain abstinent as a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy and STDs is NOT 100% effective because like I’ve said numerous times already it only works until it doesn’t.
People who wait for marriage are also more likely to divorce than those who don’t.