pop3 server?


I am in the middle of changing my email over to the unicyclist.com server, but I will be using Outlook to get the emails.

Can you tell me what i need to put in the POP3 and SMTP fields when setting it up on Outlook, as I am rather stuck. Also, are you able to automaticly forward email from hotmail.com onto unicyclist.com. I know you can forward unicyclist.com mail to hotmail though.



is this actually possible?


The SMTP server will have to stay as what you’re using at the moment. This is what you send the mail out from, and most servers only let computers on their network use them. Your ISP presumably has one; you should use that. It’ll be “smtp.your-isp-here.com” or something.

I don’t know about unicyclist.com but a guess at the POP server would be mail.unicyclist.com. Unless someone gives you a better answer, try a few; “mail” or “pop” or just “unicyclist.com” on it’s own…

As for hotmail… I don’t think you can get mail forwarded from there unless you pay money for it.


ok, cheers Phil. I will have a little go, but if I no success, I will just stick with the one I have got - too much bother changing email…
