Politics, who can you believe?

Somehow I ended up on the e-mailing list for both the R’s and the D’s. I got two today already:

This morning James Carville sent me this:

And then later Elizabeth Dole sent me this:

Should I just send them both money and hope they go away?

Say, I’m disenqlined to aques your request, I don’t know how it’s spelled, but it was in the first Pirates of The Caribean.

What, you don’t have a word processor with spell check on your computer?

Disinclined to acquiesce to your request.

Wow, those Republicans sure seem worried about their President being investigated… he must have something to hide.

Yes I know investigations of that nature are ugly, and will take energy away from doing more useful things. Let’s see. How useful could the money we’re spending on Iraq be elsewhere? How much is it costing us, per day, to watch the poor Iraqis slide into a civil war? No, I don’t want a civil war in Iraq either, but how many resources should we be willing to commit to that project? And if you’re connected to oil companies (big investors) or war contractors, you’re not allowed to answer.

As for who do you believe? Anyone without an agenda. If you can find such a person…

I am that person. I have no agenda. Trust me and I will show you the one, true path. The initial investment is quite managable. I don’t like words such as small. They cheapen my pitch.

I am sure that I was hypnotised by your Avatar. Where do I send the check?

ahhhh…at least we can see common ground, both emails ask for $$$$$$

Who can you believe? no one who is asking you for money

For a second there I thought it was Donald Rumsfeld talking.

I’m speechless.


I was gonna say that! You and me are just the same.

I hope Raphael doesn’t start making something of it.

By the way, did anyone see the full page ad on A8 ( I think) of yesterday’s NYTimes? It was a letter to Bush, very diplomatically worded, from an organization in Kuwait (remember when the USA used Kuwait to bomb Iraq?), gently suggesting there was a big problem. It had lots of photos of dead and wounded Lebanese.

Maybe not related to the first post, but the topic-title reminds me to a politician in The Netherlands who admitted without any shame to “consult protistutes”.

For some reason I trust politicians like that earlier than those who keep denieng.

Of course his party dropped him out, he replied with “yes, I’m only person in the country who’s visiting prostitutes”.

Yes, Billy.

You are to Greg as roquefort is to mild cheddar.

Greg is to you as Woody Allen is to Gilbert Gottfried.

I would have said Harper is to Billy as Einstien is to Ivan Pavlov.

Billy is to me as a match is to tinder.
I am to Billy as gasoline is to fire.

Were JC not the only main man possible, Billy would be my main man (if Raphael let him out to play.)

I get it!

Harper is to bugman as Einstien is to Paul Muller

Harper is to Raphael as Einstien is to Mary Jane Scherdin

I get it! I get it!

Raphael is to bugman as a fine French Brie is to Wisconsin cheddar!

JC is to The kingdom of God as Billy is to Just Conversation.

Just buy the SUV and support everybody.:slight_smile:

…and the Democrats seem worried about the Republicans. It seems everyone is out with their smear campaigns, but no one talks issues anymore… barely a couple sentences about taxes, immigration, war, nothing important like education, healthcare or welfare… we got a bunch of pantywaists in Washington! Can we press the “reset” button on our Gov’t and start over?

How can you tell if a politician is lying?

His lips are moving.

BTW. If Harper is the man without an agenda I suggest that we start a write in campaign; Harper for President.

I voted for myself when I was first eligible to become president which was in the 1988 election. I think I lost. Had I won and thought I lost I’m sure we would be in a better world today.

Nice that at least Carville called you by name…

I cut away all the non-content for you. There isn’t really much content to either letter. The Dems must assume you know their agenda, because it’s not stated anywhere.

The Repubs only hint at their agenda: Keep up the war, more tax cuts for the very wealthy, and more money to private police and prisons for illegal immigration (courtesy of the middle class). I bolded it for you above