I was just browsing around youtube when i found a pogo sticking video. I watched and i thought the whole thing was pretty cool. i also noticed similar tricks: seat wrap, leg wrap, pogospin, grind, platform grab (idk what its called the thing u stand on)
does anyone do this kind of pogo sticking? i might get one and try it out it looks fun
That must be so easy. Think how light and thin a pogo stick is, and how high you can jump. People must be doing like 1800 pogo spins, atleast I hope so.
Try Trials pogo-ing
Its a great sport and a good challenge with the classic style pogos
Fly-bars killed the real challenge in most old moves…
Although outdated, I still do some old school now and then… (sigh)
While I said the same about unicycles before trying them (You people on YouTube make it look so easy! ! I really don’t see Pogo being nearly as hard as uni, or extreme. Uni is way more diverse too - I don’t think there’s too many different styles of pogo… unless someone out there is commuting with their pogo stick, hopping up mountains, getting road rash falling on the street going 15mph