anyone else here does pogo?
My brother has a flybar, it’s pretty fun. It can jump high and stuff.
In fact here’s a picture of him. (He’s 13)
jesus christ. how many backseat moderators do we have here anyway? :o
Its not called “backseat moderating” Its called taking initiative, and pointing out peoples mistakes for the greater good of the community. Anybody can take the place of a moderator, they can’t particularly invoke powers of a mod, but they can make a difference. Thanks Habbywall for being an active member that cares.
hoppity hop!
I am learning to juggle on my pogostick. I hold it with my knees to free up my hands and use a basic cascade pattern. I have to be quick to change the pattern to accomodate the variations in the vertical speed of the balls from being thrown at different points in the bounce cycle and similarly, my delay or advance in catching them. It is a real challenge for me.
watch this
p.s. its not me
hey! thats caras park! lol
This dude is going to be on the next America’s Most Talented. It shows him mid-backflip in the commercail.
Cody and I met him in San Diego at some skate park event thing, Flybar had a demo/booth there. Cody ended up getting a free flybar. Miles was there too.
yay me!
That would be hard…I once learned to solve a Rubiks Cube on a pogo stick, holding it with my knees. I guess I could still do it prolly, just haven’t tried in a while.
do they use compression (like air) or springs…
neither, rubber bands
i cant ride a pogo stick.
Thats crazy.
Yeh, they use rubber bands that are attatched to the inside of the frame, and the post that moves up and down. Instead of something being compressed when you jump on it (Like most pogo sticks), the rubber bands are stretched. I’ve heard some say that this system isn’t durable enough. But I’ve never ridden one to know.
I have a Razor AirGo pogo stick, which uses compressed air. It’s nice in that you can adjust the pressure to fit the size/weight of the rider, including us big adults.
Daytripper63 has a Flybar. It seems durable enough. What bothers me about that thing is the loudness. It sounds like a pile driver. Video. I pitied the neighbors there, in the neighborhood where we parked to do a ride in Wilder Ranch last year…
me and my friends used to give it a try once in a while…but no crazy backflips or anything:D