Pogo shoes?

What is the name for a device that you attach to your feet to be able to run really, really fast or jump high? I remember seeing some videos about them. They are like two pogo sticks attached to your feet, or stilts with springs.

I don’t mean the simple shoes with springs as soles, but a more mechanical device, that puts the user a feet or two above ground.

I even have a faint recall that somebody used them to escape after a bank robbery.

Does this make any sense or was I dreaming?

I couldn’t figure where to ask, but here it goes :o

Power skips.

Power risers.

Wouldn’t it be better to get a Pogo Stick.
But here are some if you’re really considering. :smiley: :smiley:

Adults PowerJumperz
PowerJumperz MB Pro (Upgraded Model)

I want a pair!

they are crap ahaha.

i saw two people giving a demonstration of them so i decided to ruin it and hop around on my uni. I could hop higher than they could - and everyone was looking at me and probably thinking - “lets buy a unicycle”

instead of - “lets buy those springy pointless shoes”

ahaha it was funny cause i was doing 180 around them and all they could do were big strides and silly jumps.

Thanks for your input!

PowerSkip was the word I was looking for. Thank you Dunawan! I had Googled for PowerLeap, PowerStep, LeapPower, StepPower, PowerHop etc. Close, but not good enough!

This was the video I remembered:

the original brand name is Powerizers. they are alot cheaper now then when I fisrt saw them… I’ve actually seen a cool demo with some of those, the guy was doing the same stuff as in the video you posted…

they had these in the stage production of lotr it was great!:smiley: :smiley:

awww, the ones for skinny short peoples like me look like crap


I saw several pairs of these at a circus convention i attended this weekend. They can certainly travel much faster and jump much higher than a unicycle. Also the rpice has dropped from £500 to roughly £135 over the last few years. There was some talk that they were being made illegal, atleast in this country, as the combination of high attainable speed and low control makes them a lethal combination for other pedestrians.

I had a pair of Powerisers for about 3 months but they messed up my knees severely but they are great fun!! I just have crappy knees.


Not to get on your case, Brendan, but most people don’t think riding a unicycle would be easier than wearing stilts.

But I guess a unicycle would be cheaper though. Sounds like the guys you saw doing their demo weren’t experts at using those things. I’d love to try out a pair sometime.


I tried my friends quickly and there pretty cool, feels like your on a bouncy castle :slight_smile: We ran to a shop, he was on his powerisers and I was just running normaly. My friend was way faster and when I arived I was out of breath and he said he found it easy and Im alot fitter than him.