Pocket Bike

Check out what i just bought


has anybody here had any bad experiences with these bikes?

my old neighbour had one of them. it was like an $800 one. it was awesome and could go fast as. we were riding it around (not at the same time) and he hit a ditch at full speed and face planted into the side of the road.

they all have risks but it’s certainly the best sport to get into, you wear leathers and a helmet and race them around go kart courses.

Most easy and affordable sport for all ages. And coz your so close to grouns - it’s seems uber fast :slight_smile:

Yeah but most people don’t race them, they drive them round roads, pavements, parks and carparks annoying and endangering members of the public. I’m sorry but it really annoys me, there’s a good reason why you need to be 16 and have a lisensce and insurance (in this country) to ride a bike. If you intend to use it only on private land or for racing fiar play, they look really good fun if used properly, just some people give pocketbike riders a bad name.

i was interested in them for a while, about a year or two ago, im glad i never got one though, cause i would hardly use it

i was interested in one a couple weeks ago and i was like unicycle or pocket bike…and i decided pocket bike also hey iridemymuni, this is a great pocket bike forum i use to use, www.pocketbikeplanet.com that will help you alot or look at www.pocket-bike-racing.com.au, its good for australia…Hope you have fun!

personally i would rather have a monkey bike that does 70mph and fits in a car :wink:

pocket bikes are cool if they are built and assembled well. There is this one store in a mall that sells them in the mall with the top crown all loose , brakes barely work etc
That honda is crazy Zippy!

Just don’t get in a dispute with a car. You’ll lose.

I dont like them that much, they are really loud and whiney sounding, and are slow, I race them with my bike, well, when I had my bike, I beat everyone one of them.

i rather buy a John Deer riding lawn mower, that way all i have to do is mount a reflective triangle on the back and i can ride it anywhere legaly. (except freeways)

you never win a dispute with a car on a any bike :slight_smile:

In australia its illegal to use them on public roads and sidewalks.

I have a friend who races them on a go-kart track and it seems to be a cheap, relatively safe way to get into motorsport.


Just my own opinion, but motor “sports” are for people who don’t want to use their muscles, and don’t care about frittering away precious fossil fuel.

<<puts on flame gear>>

well monkey bikes and the mini bikes are like 150mpg+ so yeah flame away :slight_smile:

I think they illegalized pocket bikes where I live except on private property because they don’t have blinkers or a spot for a liscence plate and therefore aren’t road legal.

It depends on what motor sport your talking about. Road racing, I don’t know,never tried it. But I can tell you that motocross is one of the most physically demanding sports. Why, you say. Don’t you just sit on the bike and twist the throttle? Maybe for your first ride. But then you get the ultimate desire to go faster. You start leaning the bike over in turns, sticking you foot out in the corners, keeping your elbows up, scooting as far forward on the seat as you can in turns, and, of course, the never ending cycle of standing up and sitting down. Try doing that all at once. Slide back, stand up for the jump, sit down, keep your elbows up, scoot forward, lean over, clutch, clutch. and then there’s the problem of arm pump. when you have a death grip on the handle bars, trying to choke them for 5 laps, well, your arms get a little tired. Try squeezing as hard as you can on the handle bars of a bycicle for 15 minutes. now imagine doing that in conjunction with the things above. that’s why it’s so important to keep a relaxed grip on the handle bars.

imagine when you first learned to ride a unicycle. You were as tense as ever right? now try hopping up a flight of 30 stairs, while your that tense, five times. Then you might get a good idea of what it takes to go fast on a dirt bike. Although, it’s hard to understand how it can be so tireing, it’s kind of like you didn’t understand how someone could ride a unicycle at first. You don’t now untill you actually do it.

Remember, just my opinion…

I believe you that hard motocross does use muscles, but what about the frittering away gas part?

Do you think a motorcycle is as much exercise as a mtn bike or uni over the same course?

Do you get out of breath?

Or unicycle.

But pocketbikes put you at an even greater disadvantage. On a bicycle or full-sized motorcycle you have a much better chance of going over a car, or at least landing on top. On a pocketbike you’re going to end up underneath every time.

But I assume those things aren’t street legal most places anyway. People may ride them on the street, but this is only a weak attempt by riders to get a Darwin Award.

Yes, it’s one of the most physically demanding sports out there.

Frittering away gas:
As long as it’s legal to drive a Hummer to the corner store, it should be just as legal to ride a dirt bike for an hour, or however much would use an equal amount of gas. Most motorcycles use such a small amount of gas compared with cars it’s hardly worth worrying about.

Of course you’re right.

I’m bad, since I sometimes drive to a place to exercise. But worse is driving there in a gas guzzler. Even worse still is when the Hummer pulls a trailer pull of gas-burning fun machines. Burning the gas at both ends, so to speak.