
I had a thing once, before that I was a younger man, a wiser man, a man who sung the mornings in.*
A man who practice lent all year round then in actual lent had a rest.*
A man who knew a man who lent a man his mighty boosh box set and never again saw the man he knew.
A man who could sing that whole bit in the fat boy slim song that sounded like it said shoe but actually said should with out taking a breath.*
A man who would just sit around and talk, not about anything, just talk.*
A man who spent his evenings two at a time because, at the time, time was forever.
A man who climbed trees on a whim, didn’t hesitate to jump a ditch, wade through a creek, ride a small metal dump-truck down a hill.
Didn’t hesitate to collect slugs to watch, bath with a fish, draw glasses on the dog, sharpen a pencil in one go, tell people which animals are the best.
A man who would stay awake all night just to see what happens, *
Eat watermelon seeds just to see what happens.
Hang the washing out upside down, just to see what happens.

Hold his breath, pretend he was invisible, introduce a caterpillar to a butterfly, go the wrong way up in a sleeping bag, put jam on a crouton, just to see what happens.

Touch batteries on his tongue, make mice watch dumbo, spend a day with floppy arms, spend a day with rigid legs, just to see what happens.

Make a lemonade Milo, make a fanta Milo, mix the chemicals under the sink and the ones in the laundry, with milo, attach leg shaped pipe-cleaners to a snake, superglue his knees together, just to see what happens.

Put stamps on the cat and pretend he came in the mail.
Put lots of string in action man’s belly to find out if that giraffe from primary school was telling the truth about how long intestines are.

A man who hadn’t yet learnt what a bank does, how a bar works, where to put swear words in a sentence, why people are actually scared of the dark, who makes the traffic lights work.*
A man who hadn’t yet had a thing.
Things change.

I’m still not sure if I get this…


:p;):D:) :thinking: :astonished:

I think quite the opposite.
Growth would expand on youths dreams.
However we teach our children by saying or by our actions to move away from those dreams.
It’s a rare time you will see someone in their 50’s acting like a kid and enjoying life to the fullest. Maturity has crept in and grew roots.
“Act your age” is something we’ve all heard.
Unicycling gives us all a taste of how it was. Kind of a thumb your nose at the rest of the world.
Too bad, life is so short to act so grown up all the time.
Watch kids, when they play, they put 100% into it.
Grumpy old people were all laughing playing kids once.
Yep, it’s too bad.

Hey there’s this guy you might like on youtube, he’s called ‘Unigeezer’ :smiley:

Either way, this has got to be the most unexplained thread ever - talk about jumping in at the deep end.

That statement just verified my opinion.
Unigeezer is amazing, and very much going against the norm.
He’s the rare “Peter Pan who made it back to Never Never land”.

But like you, I am only guessing at the OP’s message. :thinking: