Please support

Please support
by donating, buying tee-shirts, or just saying thanks to Gilby for providing us with a place to meet others, learn skills, pick-up tips, get silly, and receive encouragement.

Thanks, Gilby!


I’ll second that ! ! !

And be sure when you buy something from the Unicycle Source to go through the link on

Thanks, Gilby ! ! !

Woohoo! [thanks gilby]


Just bought one of Gilby’s T-shirts (and a new rim). Thanks, Gilby. This site is awesome! I am psyched to have found this group.

Bought 2 shirts myself!

This site is better than the thing that human beings do to each other in order to make more human beings.

if i wrote a check or money order out to Gilby Productions where would i send it?i’d prefer to mail my me its more personal and meaningfull than electronic tranzfer.

i was unable to find a mailing address.


not in the market for anything at the moment, i’m trying to get myself streamlined for the move to the uk
rest assured that any uni bussiness will go thru here

thanx gilby, buy yourself a beer sometime

I’m glad that you all like the site! It’s good to see that all the work I’ve put into it is benefiting other unicyclists.

Thanks everyone for donating or purchasing stuff to help cover the costs to run this site!

Let’s not forget about the layout of I’ve been to other message boards that aren’t necessarily related to unicycling, but they look and feel disorganized. Gilby has really made a tight looking site that is easy to navigate.


Work the maze.

It has definately become my yard stick; the vast majority don’t measure up.

Still, that logo is kinda desturbing. What is that, Gilby?


We were bad kids last year. Totally forgot our annual(ish) donation drive.

Sure, the joy of being part of the is priceless… but we all know things cost money! Show your appreciation by giving back to the community.

Gilby couldn’t have made it much easier. Find the “donate” button above and throw him a few bones for all his work.

Did you hear the man?

gilby. you help everyone here and make us like a family

Thanks for reminding me. I was wondering what I was going to do with the money in my paypal account from selling that coker hub.

Thanks Gilby!
Please put my small donation to good use! :slight_smile:

Thanks for a great site. I met people from North Bend, WA that put on clinics that totally helped out my parade team on seeing the possibilities on a unicycle. Take care.

Thanks - I wouldn’t have done half of the cool and fun things I have on a unicycle without the inspiration, encouragement and advice of people on this site.
