Please come to Hawaii

You all seem to be such nice people. I’d like to meet some of you. Now that I’ve exhausted all my money to get to New Zealand earlier this summer, the only other option is for you to come to Hawaii. So how 'bout it?

See you soon,

Yeah I agree, everyone on these forums are seem really nice. Look forward to meeting Daniel tomorrow, I got my new black Torker so it is going to make riding that much more fun! But yeah for everyone else, come on down!



Yeah, I’m in California and I’ll be going to Hawai’i for my senior grad trip… next summer though… :frowning: But yeah, at least I’m going, HAHAHAH!! HAWAI’I!! YAAAAAY!! I might go this summer… maybe, my cousin lives there and he said I could visit him and hang out for a while, that would be sweet. And when I go next summer, I’ll be with a girl, heh… :smiley: Well, I’m gonna go beg for some money so I can fix my crank arm, yeah, it’s still broke, heheh… talk to yous all later!
