Play on Iraq Divides High School

You can read the entire article here:

Oh yeah, this is my High School :sunglasses:

Basically… the principal and Gabby are made out to be enemies when they really aren’t… very biased article.

Here’s more from the article:

That’s a tough subject for high schoolers to tackle. There is going to be a natural lack of full understanding of the issues and complexities. High school is a closed life. When you are in high school the high school life is the most important thing going on. It is hard to understand that there are more important experiences that will happen later as you get older. It is a very difficult subject for a high school to do in a balanced way.

Still, likely a good experience for the students involved. Going through the script rewriting process to address various issues. The give and take and understanding it takes to do that. It could be a good experience and turn into a presentable play. Not necessarily a fully balanced play, but certainly presentable. Send it through more revisions and present it.

I don’t see why the principle was so against students having controversial conversations as a result of seeing the play, isn’t that the point of it?

The play now has a website: