Plastic Pedals

I didn’t bent my Twisted PC’s easier than any other pedals I rode. All the pedals I used on my Trials uni did bent, I’m riding bent pedals now. I hope that bending is going to stop when I’ll get my Echo TR pedals:)

Not sure if you were just reading my posts because that is exactly what I say about them. I’m not even sure if another unicyclist has Fly Ruben’s…

Anyways, as I have tried all three I can say that Animal PCs are the best for trials. Fly Ruben plastic pedals so far were amazing for street and flatland for me. The pins on my grab/grind side wore down a little fast, but I guess there isn’t really a problem with that for me. I didn’t really do much grinding on these so I don’t know how they ‘feel’ for that. Animal’s might be stronger/better/more slippery for grinding.

I had a set of the fly rubens, theyre pretty deece.

i think that the axles are pretty cheesy on the plastics, i got some jimmy C’s from odyssey and they are hardly bent, they arent straight but they are the strongest pedals i have so far.

JCPC Pedals

Alright i was wondering if any of you guys have tried out the Odyssey JCPC’s? They are a plastic pedal that you can actually take apart and they have metal pins that hold the pedal together. Its really cool looking on how it works and the pedal looks really tough and light.

I was talking to the guy at my local bike shop about them and he said that they are pricey but very tough. He also said that the spindle in them is really strong to and wont bend like the other ones will.

I haven’t tried them but there’s a guy I know(Marty) who told me that they are like High density wax, so you can grind on pretty much anything you want. I dont really know much more about these…