Oy! Dan!
I, challenge you to a rap battle at Toque.
Why you may ask?
Because I find a certain pleasure in making an ass out of myself.
So what I ask of you is to make a little mix cd with a bunch of funky beats and show up at toque with that cd.
I reckon good times will ensue.
Oh, and on a side-note…I’m preparing a perticularly scary video which I shall donate to Thedan.com .
So look out for that one…it’ll be…quite scary… not lion scary but like…woah…he knows too much scary.
Hes going to kill you. You should have seen him rapping to Miriam at motorama.
yeah, alright.
I donno if I’ll be able to bring beats, but I’ll try.
can you make a list of things about yourself, like maybe, your mothers weight, and maybe how many cars you own, things like that.
that I can make fun of in my ill flow.
February 21, 2005, 11:20pm
All I have to say is “Oh M Geee!!!” This is going to be great.
I was talking to Owen when it came up that he could rap and such. So yeah I thought Owen might be able to take “The Dan” on and at Toque.
haha so yeah more then just oh m gee but it had to be said.
So Dan…are you saying that you’ll be rehearsing your rhymes before Toque?
I guess I could do that aswell…
haha…this is going to be soooooo funny
February 22, 2005, 8:17am
Can you please record this somehow for us that will not be there?
no, I will not be rehersing my rhymes before hand
but, normally, its good to know some backround info on the enemy. we can just talk about it at toque I suppose.
anyway, canada better get ready.
haha…I’m gonna get myself creamed.
I expect Dan killed Owen.
January 6, 2007, 8:14am
And went to jail for murder.
That’s why none of them ever posted again.