Hey, Greg!
Would you like to be nominated for the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists™ ?
I’m sure there are plenty who’d be happy to submit the required evidentiary URL on your behalf!
Let us know!
Hey, Greg!
Would you like to be nominated for the Luxuriant Flowing Hair Club for Scientists™ ?
I’m sure there are plenty who’d be happy to submit the required evidentiary URL on your behalf!
Let us know!
I thought that I applied for that some time ago. I must have forgotten. Odd, that. Feel free to do what you must, just don’t hurt my feelings.
I dunno… that seems like a rather non-commital, apathetic answer to me, Greg.
It was never a matter of what I “feel I must” or anything, just an attempt at tribute to your continued follicular and academic/professional success. (in contrast to my own failure in all three arenas!)
I have no intention of embarrassing you or hurting your feelings (!), so, I’ll leave it to you to apply for membership or not.
(So, seriously; Is is really true that you don’t know what shampoo is?)
My understanding is that Shampoo is a famous Orca whale. Am I right?
gee thats weird i always thought that Shampoo was princess Leah’s 1st movie
I hate to correct you Jagur, but it’s Princess Leia.
I thought it was fake excrement passed of as authentic. Like a tootie-roll at the bottom of a swimming pool. Only realpoo for me, thankyou!
Those two links don’t work for me.
Klaas Bil
i suspect they must’ve gone pearshaped with the new server thingy