It’s my birthday in two days, and I’m going bowling. Problem is, my girlfriend is kickass at bowling, and I actually want to beat her at it for a change…
Any tips for a class-A n00b?
It’s my birthday in two days, and I’m going bowling. Problem is, my girlfriend is kickass at bowling, and I actually want to beat her at it for a change…
Any tips for a class-A n00b?
Break her fingers.
In a nice way though.
Lol, do something that you’re good at for your birthday.
LoL, I don’t think she would approve of that. But I’ll think of something…
If you are a noob, make sure that the line segment created by the holes for your ring and middle finger is parallel with the furthest line of pins. Shoot straight, keep focused, and believe in yourself :). Don’t try any fancy spinny things yet.
Go 5 pin, it will throw her off her game (assuming she is used to 10 pin) or vice versa.
Beat her with something different… For example bowling on the Wii
Hmm… How about you don’t let her use a ball for the size of her hands? Get the ball with the smallest hole there and make her use it. If her fingers can fit, then get her the ball with the biggest holes in it.
Use the force.
Wii Bowling!
the best way of how to learn how to bowl really good would probably start with going bowling?
There’s a great series of videos here that will help you get started:
You’re on the wrong track from the start.
Let me give you a tip about girls.
Whether it’s an argument or a sport, you’re evening will go better if she wins.
Tell her that you are going to keep bowling and not leave until you win a game. Start early in the day, so you have hours and hours. And keep playing until you win. I think that eventually you will indeed “win” a game.
“alright…now if i win. you have to spend the night at my place, and if you win i have to spend the night at yours”
Woah. Did that actually just happen? A post without sarcasm?
Tell her the winner buys the pizza and beer!
Ask her to teach you…