Pimped out spinning rim uni

I’ve built a 24" unicycle with a spinning metal plate mounted in the middle of the wheel. The plate is mounted on a bearing on the axle of a modified KH hub. Luke Wardle modified the hub and got the plate laser cut - thanks a bunch Luke! This was a really fun uni to build and my first wheelbuild. Photos here
Video here.

In other news I landed my first crankflips today.

wow that is cool, i wish i thought of that, next thing you have to do is put lights on it and ride it at night

Egad! 43.6mbs!

Haha, that looks stylee as. Way to go on the flips

i’m gonna wait till tomorrow to see the wheel (filesize take too long :stuck_out_tongue: ) and yeah, congrats on the flips (i knew you’d do it) now we have someone in the country who can… next thing - double flips on a spinning rim.

[edit] couldnt wait till tomorrow. downloading now :stuck_out_tongue:

dling now:)

when you go backward it’s creepy. it look like your moonwalking. that really cool though. does it affect hopping at all?


I wonder if you incorporated some sort of edge on strategic places around the edge of the inner spinning piece to work as something to let the wind(like that from riding) help it spin more

That is the sweetest thing now you need lights. check out this http://www.ladyada.net/make/spokepov/
I know how well it would work on a normal uni but if it was mounted on the spinner it may spin fast enough

you can put that on the unicycle’s spokes. I’m not sure how well it would work because the wheel wouldn’t be spinning that fast to create the look.

Pretty cool!

Another idea might be to put little solid rocket engines or something similar on the edges plus LEDs or similar; that might be an interesting effect.

thats sweet… will you be making more of these?

Just make one of these, costs under a dollar to make if you buy a crapload, comes in five colours aswell

try not to hijack threads with huge images like that please. and what am i supposed to be looking at? something orange?

and, i dont know if tony is considering making another one: (a) who would buy it? (b) he had to destroy a kh splined hub to put the disc in (im sure you could use other hubs but its not all that practicle)

hey tony,

could you please post a smaller video of the spinning… thing?



I’m uploading a smaller version to the same gallery now. Its been edited, too. Now its 11MB, rather than 44MB.

I think getting some neon lights for this uni would be very cool. The challenge is finding somewhere to mount them without their getting broken too easily and having cables snaking all over the place.

That is so hot it melted the plastic in my pants

that is pretty cool nice idea thumbs up