wierd as it is, ive heard of some people on here memorizing digits of pie. not pie, but pie. in the spirit of dumb threads. i jsut wanna see who knows the most. whoever does…wins?
its not pie, its pi.
- I used to know more, but thats all now…
theres alot of people that do, theres even some past threads, its crazy, theres this one site that has the first one million digits of pi, but dont ask what pi means, i think its gilby that explains it and its really confusing
all this does is rekindle my fire to want to memorize it
oh poop, this site used to have 1,000,000 digits of pi, but its goneish now.
EDIT okay its still at http://3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592.com/index1.html
Didn’t we already have a thread about this? I memorized the first 200-250 digits years ago.
i bet it’d be easy if you made it into a song,
of got one of those cool shirts from think geek
You mean like this?
Wow, that was an awesomely hypnotic video. What was that clip from? Some sort of public access show designed to enslave kids to make an army of circumfrence-calculating supersoldiers?
all it did was kill my internet, forcing me to force quit firefox and start over
Did you use the IE tab firefox extension? I had the same problem but when I used the IE tab, it played it.
I know 102 right now. We get extra credit in math for putting a certain amount on each quiz/test. We need to know 100 for the next quiz, so I’m good to go.
100 for a quiz!!
what class that is outragous.
actually im gonna learn it soon too,
and on a side note the quick reply button didnt work right away for me, i had to hit it a couple times, but i dont think i hit it right the first time all it did was highlight it so the second time it just unhighlited it
Even better, I’ve memorized generation function for pi. Theoretically, I could calculate it out to n digits on demand, without having to memorize a seemingly random string.
pi / 4 = 1 - 1/3 + 1/5 - 1/7 + 1/9 - …
pi^2 / 6 = 1/(1^2) + 1/(2^2) + 1/(3^2) + 1/(4^2) + …
It’s quite a sorry state of affairs when you can’t spell a two letter word…
i know 27 of them, i just learned this morning!
I Win!!!
exactly 3:p
I only trust multiples of 5.
Pi = 5