Oh come on your just taunting me You know I live in frikinn KANSAS it’s like what only 1K Miles down to where you are.
I want that…
Kansas??? Well then it’s simple…just click your heels together three times and say…“there’s no place like Torrance”, “there’s no place like Torrance”, “there’s no place like Torrance!”
Here’s my fleet:
Nimbus 24 Muni w/150mm, KH20 w/140mm, KH24 w/150mm, KH29 w/165mm, 20" BC.
I haven’t cut the seatpost on the 29 yet; I just swap the whole thing from the 24.
Looks like a KH showroom, doesn’t it?
PS: the Parks stand is great for working on either my bikes or the unis. It’s adjustable height and 360 degree rotation make working on them a piece of cake.
No I don’t use it very much, I hate riding on hills. But it’s probably one of those things - when you really need it it’s nice to have it there. (I only bought it by acccident actually, I got a bit carried away when I was buying it).
Ahollow I want your 29!!!
Well here are my unicycles.
From left to right is my homemade bc wheel, KH 20 07, and Torker LX 24 unrideable.
OOo, How light is that frame? I thought they were aluminum…are they?
John, did you have that in Switzerland this summer? I thought I remembered you riding something else.
Beast 29er; Yuni frame customized with larger seat tube and Quick Release bearing holders, Profile/190mm cranks, 29" Kris Holm Rim, Weirwolf Tire, Airseat (now KH freeride)
and devil
i also appropriated a hazardous sticker and some little flower stickers for my onza trials, but i haven’t any pictures of that on my computer at the moment.
Oy oy.
I’m new to this community and to riding a MUni. I hadn’t ridden a unicycle in over 20 years and decided to build a Conundrum. I ordered all the parts, they arrived on Friday. It was built up and ready to ride Saturday morning.
It is definitely taking a bit of work to get used to riding. It’ll be a few weeks before I’m really ready to head off road with it. I can ride around the back yard pretty well. Getting started is still tough though. I need a wall to lean on to get going right now.
Thanks for all the inspiration.
that’s a Beast!!! Tell me how it rides on the trails.
Ooh, a Surly Conundrum. I’ve always wandered if those are as monstrous as I’ve heard they are.
It is a monster. It’ll be a while before I’m readly for a trail report. I also have nothing to compare it to. One thing I can already tell is that it is going to take some monster legs to climb well with this thing. If I ride any of the trails in this area that have bigger climbs, I may need to get a 24" for those trails.
Here’s my freshly camo’d '07 KH! Bye bye Boring blue! Also, new “Drillium” pedals!
(Still have the blue hub, but oh well)
Yes, it’s aluminum. I’m not sure what the frame weight is, as it’s kind of overshadowed by the Sun Doublewide and the 3" Gazzalodi. It’s definitely nice and light, but not as light as the frame on my carbon MUni.
Wilders are cool because of all the hand-craftsmanship in them. That also made them very expensive, but there’s little reason to buy such a thing anymore if you can get an aluminum KH for around $500…
The airlines are very stingy with weight these days, so I had to pick carefully which unicycles to bring. I ended up with my 24" track uni, and my GB4 29". The 29" is nice because I can race the 700c races with a Big Apple tire on it, then switch the tire and cranks and use it for MUni. But Switzerland had ultra-gnarly MUni, often beyond what I was willing to risk that wheel on. Here’s some pictures of the reason why, though those were with an older, skinnier rim. Now I have a nice strong , wide KH rim on there!
thats sweet. how much did that paint job cost?
Nothin really. I had the paint left over from the last camo I did on my DX muni. WHole paint job took maybe 20 minutes!