Just doing some flatland :I
AspenMike - Nice pics as usual. Did you check out the twitter thread?
Looks to me like you’re getting ready to steal some pallets…
haha i wish! i’d have no where to hide them in my dorm
Nice that you like the screenshot. We filmed in Morrocco and the Drop spot was close to “Erg Chebbi” (Sahara Desert) where we filmed some riding in the sand dunes before. Its a normal drop with a big gap in it because I had to jump over some rocks (the drop was around 5.5-6m, we didnt measured it exaktly).
@t Aspenmike: Realy like your pictures, I hope some day I can move in a area with mountains too and dont have to fly to other countrys for real muni
Uh… doesn’t Germany have lots of great places and mountains for Muni and mountain biking?
This weekend traveled over to Napier (New Zealand) to ride with UniRox for a 25+ km ride and then some climbing with Muni’s (training for Karapoti Classic 2011) a great day out nice and warm (26 c) thank you UniRox and James.
See you at Karapoti
Lutz, how much longer?
Impatiently waiting:o:D:o
How about Southern Germany for a start? I can recommend Freiburg for some great muni fun. Or maybe Munich? The Zugspitze should be interesting enough, shouldn’t it? And then there’s always Switzerland and Austria.
…and Fürstentum Liechtenstein of course.
No need to fly anywhere for muni here.
Oh and great picture, by the way! Looking forward to the vid!
One more picture from morrocco, trials riding near tafraoute.
Sure they are many nice places for muni in germany but not many in Kaiserslautern and especialy in the winter time I love it to travel to new places to find new unicycle challenges.
Btw I went up and down the Zugspitze last summer (link to the report), but still there are enough muni tracks in the alps .
Nice. Your frame has the same colour as the rocks.
Best regards,
Wow kofi, that 4th picture looks like most of my local trails. Had to look twice! Of course mine look a little snowier still…
another lawlface
wanted to repost this, last time was shit quality
thanx to this dood: http://www.florezphotography.com/
he’s a beast photographer
Sweet pic! If it was landscape, I’d use it as my wallpaper!
yeah i’m actually considering making one of them a poster, like that last one, or the 1st rocky one
Make sure you ask him first, because I’m guessing you don’t have rights to those photos. It’s not a big deal if its for personal use, but its always still nice to inform the photographer.