pick three

alright out of these movies pic three of them and put them in favorite to least favorite order. I cant decide what to watch.

american phsycho
dr strangelove
das boot
deer hunter
citizen kane
l.a confidential
an american werewolf in london
carlitos way
shawshank redemtion

and thats it.

mostly good choices but you left out Glengarry Glenn Ross! (and scores more but you can’t list EVERY great film. “Crumb” is a great documentary, the original halloween, robocop and darkman are fun, T2, and of course the first three original star wars is killer. Speaking of “killer”, a really strange and cool flick is “Killer Klowns from Outer Space”. I also LOVE film noire, and most bogart films from crime school to caine mutiny. Also love most Nicholson’s films, especially the 70’s films like 5 easy pieces and cookoo’s nest. I wouls not have shawshank, martin (?) or scarface, unless you’re refering to the first and best starring Paul Muni from 1931…classic!

those are just movies that either i or my parents own that i havent seen yet. yeah film noir is the way to go, i’ve been looking for a copy of the maltese falcon but can’t find one. martin is a movie by george a romero, guy who made night of the living dead and stuff. I like the al pacino scarface. I looked for the old one, might pick up a copy in the next few days.

you know, strangly enough, I havent seen any of htose movies :sunglasses:

well i’ve seen scarface and american werewolf in london. but ages ago. everything else i havent seen.

i went and deleted the ones i didnt like or hadnt seen, and this is the list i got.

dr strangelove
citizen kane
shawshank redemtion

those are all awesome movies…citizen kane and shawshank redemption, out of those five, are my favorites. so watch both of them. as for the other one…either vertigo or dr strangelove. harvey is good, but not thaaat good.

None of the above, go watch Defect!

going to order defect tomorrow. i havent unicycled in a long time but when i did i was damn good, i dont need to be modest. but i saw the trailer and they are so much better than me, as soon as the weather isnt pissing i’m going to have to get good again so i can show them up;)

  1. Spartacus

  2. Deliverance

  3. Shawshank Redemption

thanks. for actually putting three down like i originally asked.

i did too!

yeah you did to. good job:D thanks though.

I’ve only seen these two. I thought The Shawshank Redemption was brilliant and Dr. Strangelove was really good, but comes second for me.

  1. The Shawshank Redemtion
  2. Dr. Strangelove

If I’m allowed to recommend one of my own favourites in that (very broad) genre to make up the numbers it would have to be “La Vita è Bella”, which would have to cut right through to number one in the list.


These are the only three I’ve seen but they are all highly recommended!

  1. The Shawshank Redemption - This is one of the best films I’ve ever seen.

  2. Memento - Not in the same class as Shawshank Redemption but it’s still very very good.

  3. American Psycho - Again, not quite as good as Memento but well worth watching.

Pretty much all the others in that list I would like to watch, your parents hve a cool DVD collection!

Shawshank Redemption (i watch it every single time I see it on TV, and by getting TBS, it’s on ALOT)

Scarface (I just watched this for the first time a few months back, and enjoyed it, it’s a great movie)

American Werewolf in London (this movie kinda creeped me out when I was a kid, so I have a special connection…something tells me that if someone were to watch it for the first time now, they might not care for it)

never seen em, how about:
quiz show, its a great movie
just watched it last night

dr strangelove
shawshank redemtion
citizen kane

Maltese Falcon RULES! First and some say best directorial debut by John Huston. I’ve seen this great film over ten times! Peter Loree is also cool. Speaking of Peter Loree, try his fist film from 1930!..Simply titled: M

Shawshank Redemptoin
An American Warewolf in London
Deer hunter

yeah i hope i can track down a copy of maltese falcon. I heard M is kind of hard to find. I watched memento yesterday, i thought it was pretty awesome. and bedford unicycles is always closed when i phone them so i cant get defect yet! anyone know why he’s closed all the time?