I have an old version of Photoshop. 4.0.
Does this version support creating circular text?
And if so, can anyone give me instructions for doing it?
I have an old version of Photoshop. 4.0.
Does this version support creating circular text?
And if so, can anyone give me instructions for doing it?
It should support it dude…after you type the text look for a icon across the font options that looks like a curved line with a “T” over the top of it. This is for warped text.
Try going into the help file a doing a search on “warped text”
Oops, don’t listen to me Raphael…you cannot make circle text that way, I went into photoshop just now and tried.
What you want to do required some explaination…I found a link so I won’t have to type it all here…
read this
Thanks, Zod. This sort of works and may be sufficient for my purposes now. This method does not bring the text around full circle which is what I was hoping for, however.
It appears that there is method using paths, etc but I’m not sure 4.0 supports it and I’m not sure my skills are up to the task anyways.
try putting more spaces between each word to make the wrap stretch farther around…
You can always do it by hand,
basically I would do it this way if I had to with photoshop 4,
make a new layer and make the shape that you want the text to follow. Then type out your image and then rt click on the text and Rasterize the layer with the text then is the fun part where you get to cut up each letter and move it into place. You can do this using the marquee tool then once the letter is boxed use the move (arrow) tool to put it in place.
Once you have the letter about where you want it you can rotate and move it once more using the Transform function (ctrl+t)
It will take a little bit of time to do, but it will work
Thanks for the suggestion, Chex. For the amount of text I have it seems a bit too labor intensive, though.
If you want to shell out the cash for Photoshop CS; it will place text along a path. Or you vould use Macromedia Freehand.
I just got my version of Photoshop CS Mac yestersday. Unfortunately… my PowerBook hasen’t even shipped from Apple yet. For now, I’ll just stare at the box.
The truth is I have an officemate who can do this for me in minutes. But he’s on vacation.
I’ll just wait.
Thanks anyway.