
I thought I’d share a great photo we took a few weeks ago! Sadly, the forum wouldn’t accept the large version, which I use as a desktop background (all my non-unicyclist friends mock me for never having my own pictures as a background, now I have).

I had my laptop at school for a presentation when a guy told me that “hey, one can have a lot of fun with Photoshop?” … he did not believe the picture was real, but I hope my fellow unicyclists will ;D


:sunglasses: Cool pic bjorn!!
Did you just ride that crane or drop from it?
It looks like you’re in motion (head isn’t focused).
Show us some more please.

that’s a great pic, i like the angle it was taken from. I would brighten it up a bit though

thats an awesome picture

claps great picture! thats pretty much awesome!

DEATH TO THE CRANE. KILL IT! KILL KILL KILL!!! nice photo, looks fun!