Phood Phases

Everyone has cravings for something.
I find that I crave a certain kind of food which will then extended into cravings on a daily basis over a period of time.
I have started to refer to these times as ‘phood phases’.

Does anyone else notice this happening to them?

I realised this when I started craving and eating fish anytime I could get my hands on it. I would guess that my ‘phish phood phase’ lasted about a month. I then moved on to grilled cheese sandwiches which lasted about 2 weeks. Then it was baked potatoes into jalapeno poppers, milk, Jacks frozen pizza, yogurt, granola, bagels with strawberry cream cheese. I now find myself going through a cheese phase, but I always like cheese.

I do try to make sure that I am eating as healthy as possible and not just eating one thing for weeks at a time. So I am just wondering what kind of ‘phood phases’ you have all gone through.


yea i do that too!

first it was eggs, then it was rice(especially chilie cheese rice), and then it was tuna, and thats as far back as i can remember haha. im not too keen at remembering things.
but right now i really like peanuts, anything made with peanuts.

also, i put ranch dressing on almost everything.

I am stuck in a noodle continuum. Dumplings, pot stickers, ramen, udon, farfalle, fusilli, linguini, it’s a cycle from one coast of EurAsia to the other and back.

yeah, like sometimes when I eat a certain kind of food a lot, I get tired of it…I switch between bananas and oranges a lot. Right now I’m eating like four oranges a day, and prolly one banana, but in a week or two that’ll reverse, because I’ll get tired of oranges.

yeah… case in point… cosmic brownies and banana chips…

banachips becuase i used to only get them like once a year at random places… then my mom started buying them so i ALWAYS ate them… now i cant eat more than a few at a time…

and cosmic brownies just cause i would eat like 3 in one sitting… it was gross so i stopped.


hm, so i guess im not as weird as i thought.
but then again, this is a unicycling forum.:smiley:

first it was easy mac (pasta) then pizza now i can’t get enough water and meat pies

Lately I’ve had See Food cravings. I See Food and I eat it.

Unfortunatly I usually see junk food before healthy food.

My sister became allergic to strawberries because she ate so many of them.

that would suck

Bacon… Watermelon… SPAM… if I ever ate soo much I was allergic to any of them, I’d die eating what I love.

steak, eggs and anchoviee’s…in any order.

I crave food when I’m hungry, but usually nothing in particular. Sometimes I just arbitrarily pick a restaurant because I can’t make up my mind what I really want to eat.

There are things I eat often, but I wouldn’t say I crave them. I often eat a banana and drink OJ as part of my breakfast. I often make myself a bean and cheese burrito for lunch.

I can relate. Right now, I am going through a jalapeno phase.

Yeah I do that a lot especially with breakfast.

I cycle through english muffins, toast, cereal, bagels, waffles eating each for a period of time before switching again.

For after school stuff, lately I was eating pizza, Mr. Noodles, Kraft Dinner, and now I’m on turkey sandwhiches.


I’m going through a berry phase right now. Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries… Mmmmm… unfortunately they are not in season around here, so they cost quite a bit at the market. Oh well, I’m still looking for some pomegranate fruit at the store.

Yes, I do that.

My fast food preference alternates in some kind of cycle (with different amounts of time spent at eat phase according to how nasty that particular food I’m craving actually is!).

I also have some sort of subconcious decision process that decides what food I want to eat. Sometimes it won’t tell me, so I have to figure out what I want by considering lots of things until I hit on the right one - jackpot. Sometimes I just have to guess. Weird.

I go through phases that I wouldn’t call cravings. I just have favorite foods that keep changing. And some that never change – homemade pizza, bacon, Taylor Ham (a fatty processed meat which is called pork roll).

Right now – due to research, not cravings – I eat lots of raw (not pasteurized and not homogenized) full-fat milk, raw cream, raw cheese, raw butter, homemade kefir made from raw milk, eggs (scrambled eggs with extra egg yolks), sprouted-grain breads (great for mini-pizzas), blueberries and strawberries with raw whipped cream, organic grass-fed (grass-finished) beef and other meats. I cook everything in butter, lard, or coconut oil. This reminds me, it’s time to go separate some cream and make butter. And check on my latest science project – I’ve been making curds and whey for the last several days by keeping raw milk at room temperature. I think it’s ready.

Basically, I’m rolling back the clock 100 years, to a time when people were healthy (I avoid modern processed foods and vegetable oils). And I’m trying to raise my cholesterol level – no joke – (or at least get more cholesterol), which is why I eat the extra egg yolks.

I wish I knew a 100-year-old person. I have a lot of questions.

toasted sandwiches
rice and flavoured tuna
weet bix
cheese on crackers
soft drink
cheese and vegemite toast