Yo everyone! I was just wondering if there are any unicyclers that post on this forum reguluary that live in Philadelphia.
Me. Shadowuni. Onewheelwizzard. JVTFM. Digitalattrition. Tim. Unicyclepa. Others… What part of the city you hail from?
Ahh yes Roxborough you?! And do you know Nick Di John?
West Philly. Nick Dijohn is one of my best friends.
Dijon? any relation to the mustard?
No, he’s not french, he’s black.
Yeah really cool, he went to my school he also goes to my juggling club, he sorta got me into unicycles, have you ever been to the Philadelphia Juggling club?!
No but he went to my school so you prolly went to my school or know me.
Masterman…Whats your name?
Kevin O’Brien
I dont reconize the name but i was only in sixth grade last year wats nicks username?
Shadowuni. Also his AIM screen name. Whats your name?
When did the two become mutually exclusive?
Didn’t you see the news today?