Petition for the gheyness to stop

please sign here

Lolz, plz stop teh gheyness! rolf!@21

Kevin O’Brien

I was just gonna make a thread like this…

maybe if stop postindg threads about “gayness” people will forget

I was also about to make a thread like this. Bad idea on the homosexual reference, I’ll let someone else field that, haha. But, seriously people on these forums really need to grow up. We all obviously enjoy or love (or both) unicycling. Some people are just dumb and childish, and that has to be expected. Other people just like to act tough or say something funny/offensive/insulting because they feel protected behind there computer screen. other people are just plain ignorant, and some are just newbies. Andrew Carter said he thought the forums were best in early 2003. I’m assuming thats when he joined, because when I joined in Spring of 2004, I thought it was the most magical place on the internet, and I generally hate computers. Just a bunch of people I can talk to about the one thing I can’t really talk about to anyone else. But I’ve also noticed a decline since then. People think because its in JC its ok and then it sorta leaks into RSU. Please take it to PMS or e’mail or some type of messenger, although really it should just be dropped because negativity in general is just bad. Maybe Gilby should give moderators power to block people or start doing it himself, or there could be some sort of 3 strike program implemented, or something. I hate to even think of that but if that’s what will fix it then so be it. The main problem is that we are going to start losing members. I beginning to dislike the forums myself. And if we start to lose veterans and experienced riders or just people who have something to contribute, then… thats not good,… for obvious reasons.

Why fight?
Just ride.


Holy crud, what a frigging rant eh? Sorry bout that. But I back it all up.