Petition for Catboy being banned.

i think that catboy should be banned from these fourms permenatly. he contrubutes nothing expept for hurt feelings and insults.

whos with me?

Mark me against the idea.

mark taken

what’s with all the whining in this place lately???

the whining,insults, dises, and putting people down comes from catboy

You are a loser

you should be out unicycling, not trying to ban others. oh wait arent u the one with the broken leg… lol

sry, but i mean come on man

i would consider a loser someone who has to insult, dis, and put down just to feel good about them self

r u talking about me or cat boy. cause it dosen’t make mefeel better, its just the truth


i’ve got an idea. everyone should grow the fuck up! seriously. its the internet. if you’re under the age of about 15 taking the internet too seriously is understandable, you’re still young and inexperienced. as i’ve said before this is possibly the nicest community on the web i’ve been involved with and the amount of flaming here is ~1% of nearly everywhere else on the web. so sit down. take a deep breath and let it go. go ride around your house if you’re still that pissed.

this is by far not the nicest community, it is full worthless insults and dises. geting rid of catboy will cleen this place up alot, its not the only thing needed to be done but its a start.


This is the nicest community. You’re just not really old enough to be exposed to the not nice forums and boards that are out there yet.

Please, realize that post like this only make you seem immature, and it’s best just to leave well enough alone. Ignore catboy from now on, and don’t complain about him, and you’ll earn a lot of respect from many people. Doing so will also give him less of a reason to bug you.

I’m signing on the other thread

Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t forums a great place to recieve all kinds of opinions? I mean, thats why I like to come here - everyone gets their own equal say.

If you don’t like what someone has to say, ignore it. Don’t try to shutup them up. The situation would be different if Catboy was causing some irreparable damage, but all I’ve ever seen him do is post his honest opinion.

Call me a liberal douche bag, but I see banning a member as censorship. Mark me very against this as well.


If you dislike these forums so much, why do you even come here?

I’m not sure about any worthless dises, but YOU certainly have one worthless idea.


These forums have gone to trash and most of the users with the later registration dates can verify that.

K buddy, settle down, the only reason why catboy is doing what he’s doing is cuz he wants you TO LEAVE, and to shut up. Ur always complaining, and your ideas and childish and dumb. Grow up and come back when your not acting like a freaken toddler.

Hummm, get mad at someone for there ideas,humm.

what have i complained about? what was childish?

total uni, all this thread does is add fuel to the fire.

What I would suggest you to do is add Catboy to your ignore list, both on here and on aim. Then you wont see any of his posts… then you wont be responding to his posts, which means you hopefully wont be going back and forth all the time.

Also, add anyone else to your ignore list that you think is putting you down.
