PETA goes fishing for sympathy

Methinks they’re anling in the wrong fishing hole. :slight_smile:

The full letter is here: PETA to Vice President Cheney: Show Some Reel Compassion
Be sure to read the PDF version of the letter (fax) they sent to Vice President Cheney. It’s a funny read in a vegan kookdom kind of way. :slight_smile:

Re: PETA goes fishing for sympathy

Whenever I see people fishing I always root for the fish. :slight_smile:

In a funny kookdom kind of way, I don’t find that letter kooky. If I believed in a God and if I believed that that God wanted us to live compassionate lives then I would believe that sport fishing was against His law.

That said I think Dick Cheney is about as likely to give up fishing as he is to teach a business ethics course. This particular PETA campaign is unlikely to gain them anything besides ridicule.

Yeah you don’t see too many liberals abusing animals. :roll_eyes:

I didn’t know that fishing was a partisan thing.

John Kerry


We sometimes work with the Secret Service on presidential details and such, and let me just say… There is a guy about 1000 feet away, with a cage full of birds, just waiting for the signal to let ‘em go. No real sport in that one…
But that happens when any of those high up gentlemen go shootin’, not just John Kerry. I know our Vice President got the same hunting treatment…

Yes, but do the poor dumb politicians know that there’s a guy 1000 feet away with a cage full of birds?

Re: PETA goes fishing for sympathy

Aw, c’mon guys. I’m surprised that no one jumped on this yet…

Of course fish are smart, they swim around all day in schools.

Re: Re: PETA goes fishing for sympathy


I don’t know what’s more entertaining, that joke or PETA :smiley:

mmmmm … fish

»‹(((º› ‹º)))›«

I love fishing.
I been ‘hooked’ on it since I was a baby.

I have a ruler taped to the side of box for quick measurement.
(to ensure a quick release when too small to eat)

Unfortunately, most my catch are ‘releases’ these days.
I believe it is due to ‘others’ not following ‘guidelines’.

I even talk to them, when I’m unbarbin’ them.
They are beautifully colored :smiley:

Re: Re: PETA goes fishing for sympathy

I just played the “badum dum CRASH!” on my drums right now…just for you. :smiley:

Re: Re: PETA goes fishing for sympathy

It is kooky because of the way they present their arguments. How do you say that fish are smarter than dogs and keep a straight face unless you’re a kook. The only smarts a fish has are instincts. Trying to equate fish to primates is also kooky. Just your typical kooky vegan arguments against hunting or butchering anything that breathes.

They aren’t going to stop people from fishing or eating fish. They’d do better by educating people on the proper ways to do catch and release so that the fish have a lower mortality. They could try to get fishermen to keep what they catch and only catch what they need. Trying to convince fishermen not to fish at all is not going to get them much progress.

Is fishing with a line and hook better or worse than dragging a big net behind a boat and scooping up everything in the way? Since the PETA people are vegans I suspect they are against fishing with nets too. Nets have to be traumatic to the fish and the nets kill indiscriminately.

Re: Re: PETA goes fishing for sympathy

Being one who does believe in a God, I agree with you, but not for the sake of the fish. I believe it should be against God’s law for anything that pits a fully-evolved human against an animal with a brain the size of a kernel of corn to be called a sport. :slight_smile:

PETA also disrespects Vice President Cheney and the office of the Vice President by failing to properly capitalize “Vice President” in the above quote from their press release announcement.

PETA makes me mad. Its one thing to be veagan, but its just like religion; practice it, but don’t wave it in my face. Fish do have feelings, but catching them with a hook and then leting the suffocate is a lot nicer than, lets say cave man spearfishing where you stab the fish, rip it in half alive and eat it. Fish (shellfish too) and ham are the only meats I eat, not because i think it is creul, but because i just dont like cow or chicken.

PETA= People who Eat Tasty Animals!!!

Would that be the fellow who told a United States Senator to “F*ck yourself” and who on his way to a tailgate party ended up at a holocaust memorial?

Leave it to Raphael to take the discussion into a Cheney bashing.

I don’t care if fish can feel or not. If I had the slightest interest in fishing, there is no way in hell any argument from PETA about fish having feelings would keep me from doing it. The only time fishing is fun is when you have one fighting for its life on the other end of the hook. Sitting on the shore or in a boat for hours to experience that just isn’t something that I am willing to do.

That being said, I love vegetarians. Everything I eat is a vegetarian.

I was just responding to John’s conservative whining over what was mere stylistic carelessness. If you search the PETA site you can find at least one instance where Al Gore was referred to as the “vice president” in lower case.

Frankly it was a silly comment given the respectful tone of the letter. Respect, yes, the Office of the Vice President deserves, but which the man I think does not.

Anyway, you say that bugman as though it’s a bad thing. :wink:

It is a common mistake to not properly capitalize “Vice President” or “President”. I’m sure the person who writes the press releases for PETA knows better but just made an honest mistake. I should have put a smiley after my post. It’s just too fun to poke fun at grammar errors or spelling errors in a public press release.

I don’t recall the exact exchange that prompted the now famous “Go F yourself” response. I seem to recall that the Honorable Senator Leahy made some sort of low blow or crude comment that preceded the retort by the Vice President. I say right on to the Vice President there. That’s exactly how the Honorable Senator Leahy should be addressed given the ad hominem rhetoric he spewed out during the campaign.

Total thread-jack here.

I say that kind of stuff all the time, but then again, I’m a correctional worker who spends 40+ hours a week with thugs who’s are only religious when they are trying to get family/friends/lonely women/pen-pals to send them money, or convince their lawyer/judge that they should be out of this maximum security prison yesterday.

The point to be made about the statement (IMHO) is that it was uddered by a guy who is co-leading the party that represents all the goody-two-shoe, religiuos-right that believe only OTHER people talk like that, never us. Kinda like that video of “Dubya” flipping off the camera when he thought it was turned off.

I feel kinda sorry for the religious right; they don’t know, or even want to know that they were/are being used. For example, many expected Roe v/s Wade would be overturned… Not much has happend on that whole front.

No one likes to be called ingnorant, but with a little homework about their present day heros, they wouldn’t be and they would remove support for the present administation. But why do homework when they can just close the door, pull the blinds down, and do the same things that those “damned liberals” actually admit to.

…Time for another beer, and one NOT brewed by coors.

(feel free to quote me—I know some of you will.) :slight_smile:

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Did you mean to say, “I’m sure the person who writes the press releases for peta…”