Perving is good for you. Official!

Haha yeah. Deep down all us men like boobies. We don’t have all the fun for sure look at Hue Hefner he has tons of fun… I think to much he’s hogging it! Yeah I don’t think your at dirty old man status just a normal guy I mean who hasn’t looked at porn at least a couple times after like 13 or so. It is just one of those taboo things… which adds to funniness for some reason. It is like how everybody pokes fun at people jackin’ the bean stalk, but everybody (ok maybe not every body) dose it.

Anything that could mean it isn’t true I am going to ignore 100%!

I was gonna post that, but why ruin their fun? lol

You should start using ABP to help you get rid of those google advertisements. I have the same resolution and browser and boobies were the very first thing I saw when the page opened.

Monkeyman = spoilsport.

I don’t want to block Google ads. I only choose to block ads that are annoying or obnoxious. Google ads are not annoying and generally relevant.

I do run Flashblock in Firefox and IE7Pro in IE 7. IE7Pro includes a feature to block flash just like Flashblock. Flash ads are the annoying ones so that takes care of the problem ads.

The rest I block with about a dozen entries in my hosts file. An ad server has to earn a spot in my hosts file by serving annoying ads.

The rest of the ads I generally don’t care about.

Im sorry miss, my doctor says I have to stare at breasts for 30 minutes a day

Oh yeah!

Nobody hates you. I merely said I didn’t like you. And most all of my comments were directed at speeders in general. Notice how that thread is still chugging away just fine without you? That’s because it really wasn’t about you to begin with. In any event, I certainly didn’t expect or intend it to go the way it did.

Caution: This exercise is intended for straight men, lesbians, and bisexuals only. It is not recommended for homosexual men, as it may work in reverse, taking up to five years off your life.

Perving while speeding will also negate any beneficial effects.

I’ve also been rear-ended because the guy behind me was admiring the girl at the bus stop. Fortunately it wasn’t a bad hit, after we got through the formalities I said: “She was pretty”. He laughed.
