There’s so many stupid, annoying, faggots all over. They should be shot in the foot. Like that welches girl. Stupid kid, “Taste like grapes!” NO SH*T! What should it taste like apples? Anyway, here’s a list to other people who should be shot many times in the foot (add on too):
Seriously though, it is kindof bad to add entire groups of people to this list. You don’t want to offend every transvesdite now do you? Thats one group of people I don’t want to mess with.
Did you know that Saddam is a transvestite? It said so right on the front of the Weekly World News. It also said that he married Osama, adopted a chimp, and brought Hitler back to life.
Whoever invented those right handed only desks, the ones where lefties have to spend their entire academic career twisted 90 degrees to the right to be able to write. Also whoever invented right handed ladles, those are DANGEROUS, I burned myself on apple cider. Did you know that about 250 lefties die every year from using right handed products?
Those turtles are cool, they’re born in the sand then they walk in squiggly lines towards the water acting like they’re drunk, unless the birdies eat them first. I saw that on Discovery KIDS Channel.
You know how lefties are generally smarter than the average person? Well, Jack the Ripper was left handed.
[EDIT: and Bill Clinton.]