Partitioned Hard Drive Help

My computer has a 60 Gig hard drive that came partitioned into C and D Drives. Currently C is 20G and D is 40G. There is less than 2G freespace left on C.

Is there any way to re-allocated between C & D?


what OS?

there is a program called ‘partition magic’

This must be on some file sharing website, although I have never looked.

You can also save everything, and reformat your harddirve and set the partition size you are after


What is the reason for partitioning in the first place? My guess is they intended C to run all the programs and D would be for storage?

Illiterately yours,

yeah, just open two windows, make on your c: and the other d: (I’ll try and include pictures) then just click and drag, then delete the old file that you just transfered. That’s all.

I’m gonna see if I can post this video I made, hee hee!

That is great! Your penmanship is almost as bad as mine! (I should have been a doctor)

I was already planning on moving all my .jpg files to the D side. I’m sure a lot of my space issue is due to my Digital Camera.


Hope everything worked out fine

what do you have on the hd? i have an 8g and a 1.2g hd and they are about half empty. and that includes all the free software my dad got from UBC and my digital camara

Another way…

This is a bit more complicated, but lets you use both partitions as the one logical drive. If your main partition is NTFS you can mount the second partition as a folder in it.

Right click My Computer, then “Manage”; up pops the computer management thingy. Find “Disk Management” under “Storage”, then right click on the partition you want to mount as a folder. Choose “Change drive letter and path”, click “Add”, then choose a name for the folder.

I have a second hard drive mounted into my first drive like this. It means you can upgrade to a new drive without having to worry about reinstalling programs that whinge about being on a different drive to windows or whatever; just move a folder onto the second drive.

You can do it with any drive; CD drives, zips, whatever…



Turns out I had over 6 Gig of photos stored from 2002 and 2003. I moved them over to D and uninstalled some unused programs that came with the computer or the kids don’t use any more and now have tons of space. I had so little free space on C prior that the computer didn’t recommend defragmenting with less than 15% free space.

My C partion is FAT32, D is NFTS. I did bit of poking around in Disc Management, looks like a NFTS partition can be expanded but not FAT32?

I’ll do more poking around later but for now I’ll let sleeping dogs lie.

Thanks again for the advice.