so i love free running and gymnastics…the other day i was hanging out at chillies(my roomate works there) and i start talking to this guy… i find out he juggles, so i pull out some juggling balls( never leave home with out any) and we start doing some six ball passing… anyway we get on the topic of parkour or free running… he tells me he is part of this group that goes to a warehouse FULL of gymnastic equipment to train…and he invites my roomate and i… welll… this place is AWESOME!!! it has everything you can think of to play on… gymnastics wise… trampolines, sponge pits, big foam blocks, uneven bar,s pumle horses, matts…EVERYTHING and the best part is since im a bboy(i breakdance) i can teach them something, so they let me and my roomate come every tuesday and thursday… thats the deal you have to be skilled at something to be able to teach to come … and ITS FREE!!! its probly the coolest thing i have ever done, i look forward to going back as soon as we leave… anyway i just wanted to share.
oh my god im so jelous of you, I wish i had that sort of equipment to play with damn i would be good lol. take some pictures
unicycleboy…do you land that mount in your avatar?
its not a mount im going the wrong way for it to be a mount aswell, if i had someone holding it im sure i could do something like a no handed cartwheel onto the pedals or something…
i just got back, sorry i forgot to take pics… ill get some on thursday though for sure!