Nicve video. I liked the music. That pedalgrab fall must’ve hurt, aut it was cool. God your pedals are loud…
The pedals are loud arn’t they:p
Some of you might have tried to get to the movie but found out it wasnt there, and i apologize for that. I was just re-editing some stuff…So anyways, its back. you do not have to reply to this but you can if you want to if you havent seen it. Otherwise you can just let the thread die back down.
I hope like that too. I actually find it almost impossible to hop to ther way (right foot back hopping to the right) when i try to hop in that position i end up spinning around to the left. It’s weird
I think its all about the way you learn to hop when you are first getting into unicycling…If you see other people hopping a different way, its really hard to try to change the way your feet are positioned to the other persons style.
Yeah that trick on the table was great!
Thanks Andrew:)
with OUR SIF side hopping, theres a little bit of trouble but
because you hold the seat in the same hand as your front leg…
whenever you jump forwards and up, the uni has the tendency to lean away from your body and takes some real strong hands to hold it in…
kris and anyone else who hops the OTHER way, never has this problemo that particularly affects big SIF gaps and anything higher than 85cm onto structures.
i dont know if any of you agree…
just curious why you hold the seat with the same hand/direction that your jumping for pedal grabs? thats whats wierd
Park Trials Vol. 2 is up! is shorter about 1 minute 25 seconds it was wet out so i couldnt do that much stuff…the wetness played a big factor as you will see:)
here it is
very nice
Nice, once again. Although that fall on (off?!) the picnic table must have hurt…
Look forward to the next video
Hehe…The fall wasnt too bad…it did hurt a little.
–Sabin A.
Really nice, thanks for the video. Those pedals are perfect! Awesome riding.
The word you are looking for is “loud”. Those pedals are loud!