Paradox of the universe

Eating soup…

Does it makes you pee??
Or does it make you poop??


a lot of water from it would either be absorbed, or come out as urine, the nutrition or waste nutrition from it would come out as fecal matter.

so, both.

If you consider diahria poop. Haha!

If it was bean soup you would get … uh … hmm … never mind.

Paradox, please. This is more like a poorly formed trivia (or biology) question.

Or drinking soup?

another mystery of the universe is “what colour does a smurf go when you choke it”

correct answer is they would turn cyanotic*, so they would turn a deepish purple/blue.

*cyanosis results when your body (or a part of it) is lacking sufficient oxygen. The skin slightly behing the ears, the fingernail beds, and the lips will turn bluish/purple when the body isnt getting enough oxygen. (cyanosis is an indicator of shock also.)

An example picture (i could have found ones that displayed this in a much better manor, but they would be too gruesome for the normal public) -

I would think this colour. :smiley:

faaar oouut man.
