
Any tourny players…

scenario is way more fun
and you get way more play for your buck
but not me

I hate speedball, woodsball is way better.

I have a 98 with a bunch of mods. I like to play as a sniper.

and im asking for an A5 for christmas.

I don’t play in official tournaments, because the team I was a part of never got off the ground. But I play tournament style paintball. I like scenario a lot, but Tournament is my favorite. My gun is pretty terrible, just an old Spyder TL plus. I have a sweet drop forward and a 16" barrel upgrade, but other than that, it’s a begginers gun. I started unicycling, and decided hobbie money would be better spent on it.

Im probably going to get crucified for saying this…but when ever i have played with woodsball/scenario players, they have sucked, you really get alot of noobs playing woods/scenario, speedball is really stratigic and fun, my favorite style tho is pump…if you wanna get good play pump…

PS:I like playing woodsball and am not disin it…i just think thats were all the crappy new players are…

The crappy new players are playing woodsball because that is really all that they can do. People go out and buy cheap guns from wal mart and play in the forest behind their yard.

But I think that woodsball will always involve more strategy then speedball. Look at places like spec ops and ops gear and see how they have set up their teams and guns. When you have played for a long time, with a lot of the same people, its amazing how you work together and the strategy that can be invovled.

I have never played in any speedball tournaments, so correct me if i’m wrong, but it seems like it mostly involves who has the fastest gun and who can unload the most amount of paint at the other team. I would probably get murdered if I played speedball against more expierence players, and same goes for a speedballer playign against woodsballers.

Edit:300th post :smiley:

Your Wrong…i play speed ball with my mech autococker(only slightly faster than a tippman, speedball i think uses more communication then woods, because your playing with such a small number of people you really get to know them and communicate very well…

Woodsball is fun, but I fel like it takes less strategy, because really it’s just hiding till you get a shot. Speedball happens so fast, you have to have a good strategy to survive the massive amounts of paint that are unloaded by both teams.

my buddy just got an invert mini…that gun IS ILL

ima get an eblade for my prostock soon

hey i paintball too, started last year, man its fun. anyone combined it with riding? so much fun!

ive got a spider sonix with a long barrel ( 14 or 15" i think?).

anyways, cool thread lol