Øyvind and Kriss -Nor

Looks freezing! Where are you guys from?

I’m going to take a shot in the dark, is this Norway?

Good vid, a little blurry in a couple shots but entertaining overall.

Yeah, its norway. But there was alot of good clips that disapeared in the whole edit process, and we were ment to use a long time to edit it but when we got to that part the editing became crapy xD

Was it a crank flip at 2:40 it looked like a rev not a crank flip.

Nice video I enjoyed watching

It looked the cranks got 270 degrees around ><

Hes not the best at crankflips, neither where i during that movie, but some of it was filmed in januray. If we made a movie now i would most likley do more flips down sets more technical rails like blunt,flip up and down rails, blind rails and maybe some handrails.