Out the Game Trials (Beginner/Intermediate)

sorry what means blind?

hop in the direction youre not used to

mean trick tmoyer!
blind means the opposite side to normal, so if you sidehop to the right normally, you would sidehop to the left :slight_smile:


I figured this might end the game. :smiley:

I worked on blind hops a bunch for james’ trick and got a lot better at them.

If you can do a turnaround on a skinny, it’s ok to do that and then do the hop to your good side. The ledge just has to start on your blind side.

count meh in for the next! already signing up here for the new game :stuck_out_tongue:

DSchmitt _ _ _ :stuck_out_tongue:

this games fun tho, it finally motivated me to learn pedal grabs:p

Hey - I belatedly realized there are riders from Christchurch on this thread. James - glad to hear you’re ok (from the thread in JC.) Anyone heard from Frannyy?

yeah i’m here and fine don’t think i’ll be riding for a week or so though, my gardens full of silt

I’ll count myself in, but it’s unlikely im going to be riding properly within two weeks so i’ll go straight out… there’s always a chance though!

did it will upload it now

Game on. This one’s not over. :slight_smile:

You can set your new trick any time.


sorry wrong link

Can you fix the youtube link?

Trick 1: 150cm gap, set by erickmoda
Trick 2: 70cm pedalgrab to the middle piece of wood, by Trev
Trick 3: Seat in gap to skinny then 60cm hop seat out, set by Franny
Trick 4: 1 rev on skinny to 85 cm gap to 1 rev on skinny, set by Tmoyer
Trick 5: Left and right footed pedal grab up about 60 cm, set by jamesande
Trick 6: Switch foot sidehop up 40 cm, set by Nils-Christian
Trick 7: 1 rev on skinny to 60 cm blind sidehop, set by Tmoyer, due at 23:59 in your time zone on Sunday 2/27.
Trick 8: Will be set soon by Nils-Christian

_ _ _ Tmoyer** (set)
O U _ Franny*
O U _ Nils-Christian* (landed)

If someone wants to send me a free kh frame I’ll be in next round. Mine is in 2 pieces haha I have my CF seat put together finally though.

Why not get it welded like Colby’s?

I’d do it w/ more room for foot on frame tricks, kind of like the shape of the graph of Y=1/X^2. Also maybe make the top edges ridged kind of like the edge of a saw blade, instead of smooth like Colby’s.

I’m thinking the scale matches rrelatively petty close, w/ 1 square = 1"X1", going to -3 & 3 on the X axis and 3 on the Y.


one rev on skinny up to 58 cm down to skinny one rev max skinny wide is four cm.

nice dood, that wet shit is hard

Nice trick. I had a go at it yesterday and couldn’t get it.

Next chance I’ll have to ride will be Friday or Sunday.