Out the Game 'Beginner'

Flip video cameras are pretty cheap and very easy to use, here’s their website, it shows different places and websites where you can buy them.


Flip cameras were the brand i was looking at. Is there nessacary accesories i might need for the camera to function? My friend received one of the internet and he said it was about 30$, but what i am looking at is around 130$. Any ideas on what he might be talking about?

I have this video camera, it was recommended to me by Isaac Steiner and I’ve been very happy with it. My only complaint is that the battery life is not very long, but I just keep a few extra batteries (AA) in my pocket/bag and it’s not an issue. Here is one of Isaac’s videos, filmed with that camera.

Edit: On the topic of the game, I have it filmed but the computer I am using doesn’t have a port to plug in my memory card so I’m just going to transfer it to a flash drive on another computer and then upload it. It’ll definitely be up by Sunday.

Sorry for the double post. :o


I remembered that 3 or 4 different cords came with the camera and sure enough, one of them went from the camera to a USB port.

Trick 1: 30 idles, Set by Trevor
Trick 2: Rolling 180 Unispin, no hops, set by Julia
Trick 3: Fakie rolling hop off a curb set by Cubemansam
Trick 4: Double leg wrap set by Sirskillz
Trick 5: Will be set on Monday by Crosseyed

O _ _Trevor Stader* (landed)
O U _96erik
_ _ _Julia* (landed)
O _ _Anton005
_ _ _SirSkillz* (set)
_ _ _Cubemansam* (landed)
O _ _The Defecator
O _ _Crosseyed (landed)
O _ _Molehill
O U _Unicyclingisfun
O U _Unicycle Person
O _ _Override
O U _Waaalrus (landed)
O _ _Sarah

Go ahead and give ma a U because I won’t have time to film after school becasue of a retreat thing. :(:frowning: I won’t be online till probably late Sunday. Have a good weekend folks!!

Do you have access to a regular digital camera? Most of them will do short videos. That’s what I’m using for now.

what time do you want me too put up the new trick?

Any time tomorrow. :slight_smile:

Yeah, whenever it’s Monday for you.

I will have to have a U, I just havent had the time and because it keeps raining :angry: hopefully I can do the next one though :slight_smile:

Those videos look pretty good, how does it do in low light conditions? (drk forest or evening/night shots)

ps. sorry for threadjack :smiley:

hey everyone, it’s monday here. i’ll post up the new trick later today sometime. :slight_smile:

ok guys, here’s the trick 5.


It’s a rolling 90 up, ( no hops on the tire) then 90 down, no hops either. :smiley:

Awesome new trick! It looks really good. I was just starting to practice balancing on the tire and was hoping to get a nice clean video like this of the transition. Thanks! Unfortunately I sprained my ankle yesterday so it looks like I’ll be O-U-T. It was a lot of fun playing the game and I’ll keep my ears open for when a new beginners’ game starts up. Good luck, everyone!

Ok, Keep up the practicing :slight_smile: Once everyone is out I will probably make a new one :wink:

Cool trick. :slight_smile:

Should be fun trying to learn

Usually a new game starts in the same thread thats what happens in the other out the game threads anyway. :slight_smile:

Trick 1: 30 idles, Set by Trevor
Trick 2: Rolling 180 Unispin, no hops, set by Julia
Trick 3: Fakie rolling hop off a curb set by Cubemansam
Trick 4: Double leg wrap set by Sirskillz
Trick 5: 90 unispin up and down with no hops by Crosseyed
Trick 6:

O _ _Trevor Stader*
_ _ _Julia*
O U _Anton005
_ _ _SirSkillz*
_ _ _Cubemansam*
O U _The Defecator
O _ _Crosseyed* (set)
O U _Molehill
O U _Override
O U _Waaalrus
O U _Sarah

OUT 96erik
OUT Unicyclingisfun
OUT Unicycle Person

oh dang i missed the trick! oh well…trick 5 is cool though :slight_smile:

Yay! This is the first trick that I’ve actually done before!:smiley:

Ok thanks :slight_smile:

Ooh these are fun, I learned them like a week ago.